Assassin’s Creed Shadows All Teppo Abilities

This guide will show you all of the available Teppo abilities in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows All Teppo Abilities

The Teppo is one of the available ability groups for Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. The abilities in the Teppo group range from various passive bonuses to new skills that allow you to enjoy the game in a new way. In this guide we’ll show you all of the available Teppo abilities and how you can unlock them.

All Teppo Abilities

Below is a list of all Teppo abilities and their unlock conditions.

Ability Effect
Teppo Mastery Increase Teppo damage by 65% 3% / 7% / 14% / 22% / 35% / 50% / 65%.
Unlock Conditions
Spend 4 / 12 / 20 / 31 / 47 / 60 / 73 Mastery Points
Ability Effect
Armor Damage Increase Armor Damage by 3% / 12% / 21%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points Spend 1 / 2 / 3 Mastery Points
Knowledge Rank Rank 1
Ability Effect
Steady Hand While aiming, remain still for a short time to zoom in further and increase damage by 10%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points 2 Mastery Points
Knowledge Rank Rank 1
Ability Effect
Armor Buster Reload the Teppo and follow up with a shot that deals 100% ability damage and breaks the target's armor.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points 3 Mastery Points
Knowledge Rank Rank 1
Ability Effect
Larger Pouch I Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +4 Ammo, +2 Special Ammo.
Unlock Conditions
Condition 2 Mastery Points
Knowledge Rank Rank 2
Ability Effect
  • Rank 1: Steady Hand now also slows down time for 5 seconds.
  • Rank 2: Increase Steady Hand damage bonus by 40%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 2 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 2
Ability Effect
Close Quarters

Swing the Teppo at an enemy, dealing 60% ability damage, knocking them down and automatically shooting them.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

3 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 2
Ability Effect
Teppo Tempo

After a successful dodge, hold Left-Click at the end of the dodge to shoot at the attacker.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

1 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 2
Ability Effect
Reload Speed

Increase Teppo Reload Speed by 2% / 5% / 9%.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

Spend 1 / 2 / 3 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 3
Ability Effect
Locked In
  • Rank 1: Steady Hand can no longer be interrupted.
  • Rank 2: Increase Steady Hand damage bonus by 60%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 3 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 3
Ability Effect
Explosive Surprise

Throw a gunpowder pouch and automatically shoot it to create an explosion that deals 35% ability damage.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

3 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 3
Ability Effect
Radial Effect
  • Rank 1: Armor Buster sends fragments of armor flying in every direction, dealing 25% ability damage in a 4-meter radius.
  • Rank 2: Increase Armor Buster damage by 40%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 2 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 3
Ability Effect
Teppo's Might
  • Rank 1: Close Quarters now has 25% Armor Piercing.
  • Rank 2: Increase Close Quarters damage by 40%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 2 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 3
Ability Effect
Steel Bullets

Unlock a new Bullet type that makes the target Vulnerable. Press Tab while aiming to select them.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

2 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 3
Ability Effect
Larger Pouch II

Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +4 Ammo, +2 Special Ammo.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

2 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 4
Ability Effect
Explosive Barrage
  • Rank 1: Explosive Surprise is chained a second time.
  • Rank 2: Increase Explosive Surprise damage by 40%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 2 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 4
Ability Effect
Target Vulnerability
  • Rank 1: Teppo Tempo now makes the enemy Vulnerable.
  • Rank 2: Increase Teppo Tempo damage by 40%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 2 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 4
Ability Effect
Concussive Bullets

Unlock a new Bullet type that builds up the Daze affliction. Press X while aiming to select them.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

2 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 4
Ability Effect
Range Weapon Expertise

Increase damage with Ranged Weapons by 1% / 3% / 6%.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

Spend 1 / 2 / 3 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 5
Ability Effect
Deep Impact
  • Rank 1: On hit, Armor Buster now pushes enemies away.
  • Rank 2: Increase Armor Buster damage by 60%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 3 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 5
Ability Effect
Brutal Takedown
  • Rank 1: Close Quarters now automatically knocks out the target.
  • Rank 2: Increase Close Quarters damage by 60%.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points
  • Rank 1: 3 Mastery Points
  • Rank 2: 1 Mastery Point
Knowledge Rank Rank 5
Ability Effect
Shrapnel Bullets

Unlock a new Bullet type that builds up the Bleed affliction. Press X while aiming to select them.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points

2 Mastery Points

Knowledge Rank Rank 5
Ability Effect
Larger Pouch III Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +4 Ammo, +2 Special Ammo.
Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points TBD
Knowledge Rank Rank 6
Ability Effect
Explosive Warfare

The explosion from Explosive Surprise now knocks down anyone caught in the blast.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points


Knowledge Rank Rank 6
Ability Effect
Quick Aim

Teppo Tempo uses a faster reloading technique.

Unlock Conditions
Mastery Points


Knowledge Rank Rank 6



How to Unlock Abilities

Abilities in Assassin’s Creed Shadows can be unlocked in various different ways ranging from increasing your Knowledge Rank, progressing in the story, or spending Mastery Points to unlock them. Abilities are a crucial part of the game, and you should always try and have the latest ability unlocked. You can always reset your Masteries at any time and decide to go with a different build, so do not be afraid of putting points into skills you aren’t sure you will use in the future, as you can respec easily.




Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed is an action-adventure game developed and published by Ubisoft. Released in 2007, the game follows the story of Desmond Miles, who relives the memories of his ancestor, Altaïr, a member of the Assassin Brotherhood. Assassin's Creed features a rich narrative, dynamic combat, and a detailed open-world environment. Players can explore various locations, complete missions, and engage in battles while uncovering the secrets of the Assassin Brotherhood. The game emphasizes storytelling, exploration, and stealth, offering a deep and engaging experience. Assassin's Creed is praised for its innovative design, engaging story, and realistic graphics, making it a standout title in the action-adventure genre.

Action, Adventure
PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release Date
Nov 13, 2007
ESRB Rating