Black Clover M: Holy Lightning Boots Luck Skill Preview

This guide will look at the skills for the upcoming SSR character in Black Clover M, <Holy Lightning Boots> Luck.

Black Clover M: Holy Lightning Boots Luck Skill Preview
Garena International II

<Holy Lightning Boots> Luck is the newest character to join the Black Clover M roster. He is an SSR Debuffer from the Technique attribute who focuses on the Electrocute effect while buffing his own Mobility and reducing enemy mobility. He will be available as a limited-time character, starting from the next update in the game, so if you like what you see about his skills below, then you might just give him a try!

Holy Lightning Boots Luck Overview

Holy Lightning Boots Luck Name Holy Lightning Boots Luck
Rarity SSR
Type Technique
Role Debuffer
Squad Black Bulls
  • Ayumu Murase (JP)
  • Justin Briner (EN)

<Holy Lightning Boots> Luck is a strong debuffer who looks like he will be able to dish out a significant amount of damage while at the same time fulfilling his role as a debuffer. His main strengths lie in his DoT [Electrocute] effect, which can reduce an enemy’s mobility by 50%. In addition, thanks to his Skill II <Holy Lightning Boots> Luck also gets a decent Mobility buff to himself, as long as an enemy is taking damage from [Electrocute], meaning that you will have this buff active most of the time. All in all, <Holy Lightning Boots> Luck looks like a decent unit to have on your teams, but definitely not game-breaking.



Holy Lightning Boots Luck Skills

Below is a full breakdown of <Holy Lightning Boots> Luck’s skills.

Type Icon Name
Skill I Double Roundhouse Kick Double Roundhouse Kick
  • Inflicts continuous [Electrocute] damage on an enemy for 2 turns.
Skill II Thunderbolt Destruction Thunderbolt Destruction
  • Inflicts continuous [Electrocute] damage on an enemy for 2 turns.
  • If an enemy is taking continuous [Electrocute] damage, grants a 30% [Increased Mobility] buff.
Special Skill Thunder Fiend Thunder Fiend
  • If an enemy is taking 2 or more instances of continuous [Electrocute] damage, inflicts a 50% [Reduced Mobility] debuff on them.
  • If at least 3 instances of continuous [Electrocute] damage is present on an enemy, grants them [Remove All Instances of Electrocute].
  • Inflicts 2 instances of continuous [Electrocute] damage on an enemy for 2 turns.
