Echomancers are the characters in Ash Echoes and the backbone of the game. Being a hero collecter/gacha game, Ash Echoes puts a heavy emphasis on its characters. They are the system you’ll be interacting with most often, and they’ll also be one that will likely keep you playing. So it is only natural that you’ll want to make those characters stronger. But how do you do that? Do you level them like any other RPG, or is there a different way? We’ll answer that in this guide, so keep on scrolling!
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Can You Level Echomancers in Ash Echoes
No! You cannot level your characters in Ash Echoes. Unlike most traditional gacha games, Ash Echoes does not adopt a leveling system for its characters. Rather, it uses a unique Ascension system to increase the strength of your characters.
What is Ascension

Ascension is the process of making your Echomancers stronger. By Ascending a character, you are increasing their Basic Stats, while also boosting the Initial Stats they receive from Engravings as the Leader. In addition, some Ascension levels increase the maximum level of your Echomancer’s skills, allowing you to make them even stronger. Each Echomancer has 6 stages of Ascension denoted using the letter [S] and a number, which can be found in the Echomancer’s profile.

To Ascend an Echomancer you are required to first reach the needed Officer Level, and gather the required materials. After doing so, you will be able to instantly Ascend your characters to a higher Stage Ascension. In addition to the stats and skills, 5 and 6-star Echomancers receive awakened Splash Arts at S4.

Ascending your characters is one of the most important parts of Ash Echoes and one that you should deeply familiarize yourself with before diving deeper, as it is directly tied to your account’s power. That being said, Ascending your characters is just one of the ways to make your Echomancers stronger. You shouldn’t forget about increasing their Combat Skills and getting a good Engraving for them at the Nexus so that you can make them even more powerful.