Deadlock - Best Bebop Build for Beginners

In this guide, we will go over the best items and skill path for new players wanting to main Bebop in Deadlock.

Deadlock - Best Bebop Build for Beginners

Deadlock is possibly the most anticipated MOBA as it combines elements from beloved games like League of Legends and Dota 2 with Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch to form quite a fun and addictive title. 

With casual and pro players flocking to give Deadlock a try, you might find yourself wanting to main Bebop as the extensive roster of heroes can be quite overwhelming, but if you have your sights set on this dastardly robot, then we've got you covered with this beginner guide. 



Bebop Abilities and Overview

Deadlock - Best Bebop Build for Beginners

Bebop is a clunky combo machine that can hook you from far away. Not only is Bebop exceptional as a ganker, but you can also execute some great combos to quickly eliminate any enemy unfortunate enough to be next to you. 




Exploding Uppercut

  • Description: Deal Light Melee damage to nearby units and send them flying back, causing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies. 
  • Cooldown: 21s
  • Uppercut Damage:
  • Area Damage: 80 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.5) 
  • Landing Radius: 14m 
  • T1: -10.5s Cooldown
  • T2: On Uppercut enemy Hero, gain fast spin up time, 2x range and +60% weapon damage for 12s
  • T5: On Uppercut enemy Hero, set Hook cooldown to 0 and instantly +100% bullets to your current clip 
  • Uppercuts all enemies within around 2-3m of Bebop.
  • Uppercutted enemies cannot receive the area damage.
  • Trajectory is affected by Bebop facing angle, i.e. facing down reduces airtime and facing upward increases airtime.


Sticky Bomb

  • Description: Attach a Sticky Bomb to a nearby target that deals explosive damage after a short fuse time. Gain +2.5% bomb damage for every enemy hero hit. 
  • Radius: 12m
  • Range: 6m
  • Cooldown: 19s
  • Damage: 120 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.9) 
  • Fuse Time: 3s 
  • T1: -7.5s Cooldown
  • T2: +80 Damage
  • T5: On Attach, disarms the target for 3.5 seconds. 
  • Damage gain per hero hit is permanent for the rest of the game.
  • The percentage damage increase is applied to the total damage of the bomb (base damage + upgrade damage increase + damage from Spirit scaling).

For example: A Bebop has the "+80 Damage" upgrade learned, 6 total bomb stacks (+15% damage), and has 33 total Spirit. His bomb will do (120 [base damage] + 80 [upgrade damage] + 33*0.9 [damage from spirit scaling]) = 264.16 damage, before any Spirit Resistance reductions.




  • Description: Launch out a hook that grabs and reels in the first enemy hero it hits, dealing damage. Target will be placed where you are facing. 
  • Range: 30m
  • Cooldown: 23s
  • Damage: 40 
  • T1: Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10s
  • T2: +30m Cast Range
  • T5: -11.5s Cooldown 
  • Hook damage is dealt after Bebop finishes reeling in the target.


Hyper Beam

  • Description: Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies' movement and dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air you will hover while unleashing the beam. 
  • Duration: 8s (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.08)
  • Cooldown: 130s
  • DPS: 205 (Spirit Power Scaling x 2.7) 
  • Beam Width: 2.9m 
  • Movement Slow: 30% (on hit) 
  • Beam Length: 70m 
  • T1: -30s Cooldown
  • T2: +100 DPS
  • T5: Hyper Beam heals Bebop for 100% of its damage on heroes. 33% on non-hero
  • Hyper Beam deals 75% damage to enemies within ~9m of Bebop.
  • Hyper Beam also deals 75% beam damage in an approximately ~6m radius centered around the beam arm, indicated by a ~4m purple circle on the ground.



Ability Order



Exploding Uppercut

  • Unlock Third
  • Upgrade T1 + T2
  • Max Out First


Sticky Bomb

  • Unlock First
  • Max Out Last



  • Unlock Second
  • Upgrade T1 + T2
  • Max Out Third


Hyper Beam

  • Unlock Last
  • Max Out Second

Best Bebop Early-Game Items


For the early-game items, focus on getting Rapid Rounds and Swift Striker for that extra fire rate. 

Best Weapon Items

Rapid Rounds


Rapid Rounds

  • +9% Fire Rate
  • +1m/s Sprint Speed
Swift Striker


Swift Striker

  • +22% Fire Rate
  • -5% Bullet Resist
  • +10% Ammo



Best Vitality Items

Bullet Lifesteal


Bullet Lifesteal

  • +28% Bullet Lifesteal
  • +75 Bonus Health
Sprint Boots


Sprint Boots

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • +1 Health Regen
  • +4% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Enduring Speed

Best Spirit Items

Spirit Strike


Spirit Strike 

  • +80 Spirit Shield Health
  • +0.8 Health Regen
  • +12% Melee Damage
  • Passive: When you perform a Light or Heavy Melee attack against a hero, deal Extra Spirit Damage with the attack and reduce the target's Spirit Resist.
  • x Spirit Damage (adjusted by Spirit Power)
  • -12% Spirit Resist
  • 11s Duration 


Mystic Burst

  • +40 Spirit Shield Health
    +6% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit.
  • 35 Bonus Damage 
  • Component of Improved Burst
Bullet Resist Shredder


Bullet Resist Shredder 

  • +100 Bonus Health
  • +5% Bullet Resist
  • Passive: Reduces Bullet Resist on enemies when you deal Spirit Damage. 
  • -12% Bullet Resist
  • 8s Duration 



Best Bebop Mid-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Bebop Build for Beginners

Make sure to grab Hunter's Aura, Withering Whip, and Burst Fire ASAP.

Best Weapon Items

Hunter's Aura


Hunter's Aura

  •  +150 Bonus Health 
  • Passive: Reduces nearby enemies' Bullet Resist and Fire Rate. If there is only one enemy hero nearby, this effect is tripled.
  • Conditional: -9% Bullet Resist
  • Conditional: 10% Fire Rate Slow
  • 15m Radius 
Burst Fire


Burst Fire

  • +12% Fire Rate
  • +50% Slide Distance
  • +70 Max Health
  • Passive: Briefly gain Fire Rate and Move Speed when one of your bullets hits an enemy hero.
  • +30% Fire Rate (Conditional)
  • +2 m/s Move Speed (Conditional)
  • 4s Duration 
Intensifying Magazine


Intensifying Magazine

  • +25% Ammo
  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Increases Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon. 
  • Conditional: 75% Max Weapon Damage
  • 3s Time for Max Damage 



Best Vitality Items

Veil Walker


Veil Walker

  • +200 Bullet Shield Health
  • +200 Spirit Shield Health
  • +12% Ammo
  • +10% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Walking through a cosmic veil grants you Stealth, increased Movement Speed, restores all Bullet and Spirit Shields, and grants bonus Fire Rate for your next magazine.
  • 3m/s Invis Move Speed 
  • +30% Fire Rate 
  • 5s Invisibility Duration 
Enchanter's Barrier


Enchanter's Barrier

  •  +300 Spirit Shield Health
  • Passive: While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power and Cooldown Reduction.
  • +20 Spirit Power While Shielded
  • +8% Cooldown Reduction While Shielded 
Combat Barrier


Combat Barrier

  •  +300 Bullet Shield Health 
  • Passive: When you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate. 
  • +28% Weapon Damage While Shielded
  • +8% Fire Rate While Shielded 
Enduring Speed


Enduring Speed

  • +1.4m/s Move Speed
  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +1.5 Health Regen
  • Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow.
  • +40% Movement Slow Resist 

Best Spirit Items

Withering Whip


Withering Whip (Active)

  • +4 Spirit Power
  • +8% Fire Rate
  • +50 Bonus Health
  • Active: Target an enemy to apply Fire Rate Slow and reduce their Bullet Resist. 
  • -40% Fire Rate Slow
  • -14% Bullet Resist
  • 24m Cast Range
  • 4.5s Duration 



Best Bebop Late-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Bebop Build for Beginners

Make sure to rush Curse and Glass Cannon if you are ahead. 

Best Weapon Items

Glass Cannon


Glass Cannon 

  • +70% Weapon Damage
  • +10% Fire Rate
  • +1m/s Move Speed
  • -15% Max Health
  • Passive: Each hero kill grants permanent Weapon Damage (up to a max of 7 times). Death results in loss of 1 stack. 
  • Conditional: +10% Weapon Damage per Kill 
Siphon Bullets


Siphon Bullets 

  •  +28% Weapon Damage 
  • Passive: Your bullets temporarily steal Max HP from enemies. Enemies regain their stolen health when the debuff expires. Permanently steal one stack of health if a siphoned target dies and lose 2 stacks if you die.
  • 45 Max HP Steal Per Bullet
  • 20s Steal Duration
  • 0.8s Max Frequency 

Best Vitality Items




  • +35% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +35% Bullet Lifesteal
  • +175 Bonus Health
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • +15% Weapon Damage

Best Spirit Items



Curse (Active)

  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • +8 Spirit Power
  • Active: Curses an enemy - interrupting, Silencing, Disarming, and preventing item usage.
  • 3.25s Status Duration
  • 20m Cast Range 



Bebop Beginner Guide

Deadlock - Best Bebop Build for Beginners

Overall, Bebop's playstyle consists of pulling in enemies either in lane or when assisting teammates to get a headstart on neutral objectives and secure some extra Souls. This build focuses on your shooting prowess so make sure to hone your aim and lay waste to anyone standing in your way. 

Having keen map awareness as well as positioning will help you land some easy kills without much fuss. Best of luck in your Deadlock games!
