Fortnite’s Chapter 2 Remix has been a big hit, allowing older fans to relive some of their nostalgia while showing newer players how the game used to be a few years ago. This chapter brings a ton of new rewards to earn, quests to complete, and skins for you to earn or buy. While Snoop Dogg and Eminem might be new additions to the island, there are also many returning features, such as Upgrade Benches. Upgrade Benches allow players to increase the rarity of their weapons, making them much deadlier in the process. In this article, we are going to show you all of the Upgrade Bench locations in Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix!

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix - All Upgrade Bench Locations
Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix has 35 different Upgrade Benches available across the entire island. These Benches are only available in the Battle Royale mode, and they allow you to upgrade the rarity of your weapons for the cost of building materials. Most of these can be found indoors in buildings or caves, and the upgrade cost is entirely dependent on the rarity you are looking for, with higher rarities requiring much more materials. The new event locations, including the Yacht, the Doggpound, and the Rig, each have one Upgrade Bench available for players trying to find and defeat the new NPCs that were added in Chapter 2 Remix. Here is a map of all Upgrade Bench locations in Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix:

These Benches are spread pretty well across the map, with only some locations, such as northwest and to the south of the Doggpound, having a noticeable lack of them. As we said earlier, increasing the rarity of your weapons costs a certain amount of building materials, with the highest upgrade costing 200 of each major resource. Here are all of the resource costs you can expect to find when using an Upgrade Bench for your weapons:
- Common => Uncommon: 50x Wood, 50x Stone, 50x Metal
- Uncommon => Rare: 100x Wood, 100x Stone, 100x Metal
- Rare => Epic: 150x Wood, 150x Stone, 150x Metal
- Epic => Legendary: 200x Wood, 200x Stone, 200x Metal
That is everything you need to know about Upgrade Benches in Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix. Make sure to plan out where you drop during this season, as being able to upgrade the rarity of your weapons might be the difference you need in order to achieve a Victory Royale. For more Fortnite news and guides, check out the rest of our website!