Action Points are one of the crucial resources in Ash Echoes that you’ll be using on a daily basis. Action Points can be thought of as a form of energy resource that you’ll be spending to progress the story and farm for your Echormancers and Memory Traces, so it is important that you understand how they work and where you can get more of them. This guide will teach you just that!
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What are Action Points
Action Points are the energy system in Ash Echoes. Each time you begin a story stage or farm any of the stages in the Field Ops Center, you will be required to spend various amounts of Action Points.
Each player has a set maximum amount of Action Points they can store, and Action Points regenerate automatically at a rate of 1 Action Point every 5 minutes. Whenever your Action Points reach the cap, you will begin accumulating what is known as Reserve Actions Points. These Action Points only begin recharging after you’ve reached the Action Point cap, and they recharge at a rate of 1 Reserve Action Point every 18 minutes, with a maximum cap of 2,400 Reserve Action Points. This is why it is important to constantly try and stay below the Action Points cap so that you can regenerate Action Points quicker.
Another additional function of Action Points is that they also give you Officer EXP. Each Action Point you spend nets you 5 Officer EXP. This can prove beneficial when you’re trying to quickly increase your Account Level.
How to Get Action Points

There are various ways to get Action Points, with the most common one being to simply wait. As we’ve already mentioned, Action Points recharge at a rate of 1 point every 5 minutes if you’re below the cap. This means that you can get a decent amount of Action Points by simply waiting for them to recharge. However, we know that this is not ideal, especially with how fresh of a game Ash Echoes is, so we’ll tell you other ways to get some Action Points!
Action Points Items

The best way to instantly recover Action Points is to use Action Point Recovery Items such as the Gilded Onigiri, Gilded Bento, and Gilded Meal. Each of these items instantly restores a set amount of Action Points with the Gilded Onigiri restoring 30, the Gilded Bento restoring 60, and the Gilded Meal restoring 100 Action Points. You can obtain these items by playing through the game, and you’ll often be rewarded with them during events or Redeem Codes. You can either save these items to use in the future or you can use them right now to boost your progress.
Recharge with X Particles

The other instant way to obtain Action Points is by using X Particles to recharge them. Each day you have 5 chances of using X Particles to restore 100 Action Points with each try costing an increasing amount of X Particles. Given that X Particles are the premium currency of the game and the one you’ll be using to summon for characters, we do not recommend using this method to restore Action Points unless you’ve decided to whip out your wallets and are filled with X Particles. Most F2P should avoid using this method.
Increase Account Level
Another means to get Action Points is by increasing your Account Level. Each time you level up, you will get a set amount of Action Points so you will hardly find needing them in the beginning. Leveling up also increases your Action Points cap, so it’s a good thing to focus on when you’re just starting out.
Exchange Reserve Action Points

The final way in which you can get Action Points is by using Reserve Action Points. Reserve Action Points can be exchanged for Action Points at a rate of 1 to 1. If you haven’t been playing for a while or are looking for ways to instantly get Action Points apart from the items and X Particle recharging, then the Reserve Action Points are the way to go. That being said, there are various conditions to get Reserve Action Points, and they are not as reliable means as the other methods, but they can prove useful in certain situations.
This covers everything you need to know about Action Points and how to use them. We hope that this guide has proven useful and that it will help you progress your account to stand out from the competition!