Perks are one of the unique aspects of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. They are special abilities and various passive bonuses that allow you to change various parts of your build. Perks allow you to customize Henry’s build and create a unique playstyle. Houndmaster Perks is one of the perk categories in the game. They offer bonuses to pet-related aspects of the game such as giving you bonuses whenever you have a dog with you or making your dog stronger in battle. Below you can find details on each perk in this category, what they do, and how to unlock them.
Houndmaster Perks List
Perk |
Details |
Name |
Lifesaver |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster |
Effect |
- Many legends tell of brave dogs saving the lives of saints or kings by defending them against enemies. You're no legendary hero, and Muttis far from a well-bred hound, but you can rely on him not to leave you in the lurch.
- Mutt will defend you in battle and even attack enemies at your command.
Perk |
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Name |
Hunt! |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 6 |
Effect |
- Hunting dogs are highly valued among the gentry. Mutt is far from being one but once he catches the scent, he does quite well.
- You can command Mutt to hunt and send him after wild game, You'll find that he's a great help to you!
Perk |
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Name |
Search! |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 6 |
Effect |
- Mutt can find anything. Except for his own tail, that is.
- You can command Mutt to sniff out places of interest or hunted game. To do this, select the "Free!" command. He'll alert you by barking if he finds something. Thanks to your loyal companion, you won't miss a thing.
Perk |
Details |
Name |
Body Heat |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 8 |
Effect |
- During harsh winters, village folk often drove cattle into the shed to keep each other a little warmer. Mutt may not be a cow, but it works the same way.
- When sleeping in the wilderness, your dog keeps you warm. The bed quality will therefore increase by 20% but not exceed 50% of the bed quality.
Perk |
Details |
Name |
Loyal Companion |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 8 |
Effect |
- Mutt may have wandering in his blood but you're convinced he'd never leave you for good.
- When Mutt flees, the time it takes for him to come back to you is a quarter shorter.
Perk |
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Name |
Charming Companion |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 10 |
Effect |
- People tend to think better of other people who have a dog with them. It may seem strange, perhaps shortsighted, but that's the way it is.
- When you have your dog with you, your Charisma is increased by 3
Perk |
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Name |
Hellhound |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 10 |
Effect |
- You may be a blacksmith, but Mutt can act like a butcher's dog and bare his teeth to anyone who gives you a crooked look.
- If you have your dog with you, you will appear more threatening and tough to others. This will show in the Presence and Intimidation skill checks, but also in combat, as enemies are more likely to give up or run away. And if they don't they'll have a harder time fighting you.
Perk |
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Name |
Bark! |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 12 |
Effect |
- Woof! woof! woof! woof!
- You've taught Mutt to create a ruckus and draw attention to himself. This can be handy especially when you need to sneak somewhere unnoticed. You can get him to bark by selecting the relevant command under Commands. Mutt will start barking on the spot, so make yourself scarce quickly to pull off your ruse.
Perk |
Details |
Name |
Dog's Best Friend |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 12 |
Effect |
- You treat dogs with respect and love They recognize that in you and repay you in kind.
- Strange dogs won't react to you by barking, just growling. This can come in handy for example if you're trespassing in someone's yard because the owner of the house might not ever notice a growling dog. However, if you attack the dog, it will probably bark and then go and tear your braies off
Perk |
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Name |
Heightened Scent |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 12 |
Effect |
- The journey goes faster with a canine companion. And often more safely.
- Mutt can sniff out enemies and other potential trouble at a much greater distance. This makes it easier to spot and avoid an ambush or other events during fast travel.
Perk |
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Name |
Defender |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 14 |
Effect |
- Your dog is your loyal companion and when it comes to fighting, he is a fierce defender who would give his life for you.
- In combat, Mutt will be tougher and will take 10% less damage from enemies.
Perk |
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Name |
Faithful Companion |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 16 |
Effect |
- You've been through a lot together and Mutt is a loyal friend who would gladly do anything for you.
- Mutt's obedience will decrease 25% slower over time.
Perk |
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Name |
Rip and Tear |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 18 |
Effect |
- They say a dog that barks doesn't bite This is definitely not true of Mutt. Sometimes you get the feeling he'd rip the throats out of a seven-headed dragon if you ever came across one.
- If your dog inflicts a bleeding wound on an enemy, the bleeding will accelerate and they will fall sooner.
Perk |
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Name |
Sic 'em! |
Category |
Houndmaster Perk |
Minimum Level |
Houndmaster 20 |
Effect |
- Mutt may not look it, but he can fight like he's a direct descendant of the mythical Cerberus.
- Your dog's attacks will be 20% stronger, making it easier and faster for him to deal with enemies.