Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: All Main Level Perks

This guide will show you details about each main level perk available in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: All Main Level Perks
Warhorse Studios

Perks are one of the unique aspects of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. They are special abilities and various passive bonuses that allow you to change various parts of your build. Perks allow you to customize Henry’s build and create a unique playstyle. Main Level Perks is one of the perk categories in the game. They offer a varied mix of perks that give a mix of passive bonuses. Below you can find details on each perk in this category, what they do, and how to unlock them.

Main Level Perks List

Perk Details
Charming Man Name Charming Man
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 6
  • Mum always said you should do one good deed every day. You carry that mother's wisdom in your heart, and that's why you often carry it in the palm of your hand.
  • If you gain Reputation, the increase will be to % higher.
Perk Details
Opportunist Name Opportunist
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 6
  • He who is a friend to all is a friend to none. You can be a friend to anyone when it suits you, but you are a true friend especially to yourself.
  • If you lose Reputation, the drop will be 10 % less.
Perk Details
Driven by Vengeance Name Driven by Vengeance
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 8
  • There are only a few people who double-crossed you twice and lived to talk about it.
  • After killing an opponent in close combat, you gain 10% more attack damage and faster stamina recovery. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.
Perk Details
Memorable Name Memorable
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 8
  • An idea without action is only half-formed, deeds are what speak for a person.
  • Changes in your reputation, good or bad, spread more widely across the land and among different groups of people.
Perk Details
Undaunted Cavalier Name Undaunted Cavalier
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 8
  • Looking like an intrepid hero of legends is the first step to performing heroic deeds. And that's the first step to entering into legend.
  • If your Charisma is higher than 20, your armor will be considered 15 higher.
Perk Details
Burgher Name Burgher
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 10
  • As the medieval saying goes, the city air is liberating.
  • In towns, villages, and their surrounding areas, you gain a +1 bonus to Strength, Ability, Vitality, and Speech.
Perk Details
Local Hero Name Local Hero
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 10
  • When a settlement needs help, you are more than happy to answer the call!
  • If you are in an area where you have a good reputation (60 or more), you gain a +2 bonus to strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech.
Perk Details
Martin's Heritage Name Martin's Heritage
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 10
  • Your father Martin raised you to be a modest, honest, straightforward, hard worker and to love your craft. Because elders should inspire the young, he lived that way himself His time has come and gone, but you carry on his legacy.
  • You will improve faster in Sword Fighting, Crafting, and Survival skills, as all experience gained will be 10 % higher.
Perk Details
Radzig's Heritage Name Radzig's Heritage
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 10
  • Sir Radzig is a complicated person. In pursuit of his often noble goals, he does not hesitate to resort to deception and subterfuge if it helps the situation, and there is much you can, or perhaps must, learn from him.
  • You will improve faster in Heavy Weapon, Shooting, and Scholarship skills as all experience gained will be to 10% higher.
Perk Details
Criminal Element Name Criminal Element
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 12
  • You've realized that life is usually unfair and you react in kind. Good thing your mother can't see it.
  • Criminal brands disappear a quarter faster. With the brand scar, you'll sell stolen goods for to 10% more, look more menacing, and gain a +2 bonus to Coerce, Dominate, and Dread.
Perk Details
Good Natured Name Good Natured
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 12
  • Human ate may be short, but it is long enough to be lived justly and fairly.
  • It's easier for you to convince others the "nice way". You gain +2 to Persuasion, Impression, and Presence. People are also more likely to try to solve crimes with you in person rather than going straight for the guard. But beware, the more dangerous you look, the more likely they still choose to go for the guard instead.
Perk Details
Night Crawler Name Night Crawler
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 12
  • The owl Minerva flies out at dusk and the Skalitz falcon often follows her.
  • At night, you have a +2 bonus to Strength, Agility, and Vitality and a +3 bonus to Stealth.
Perk Details
Blood of Siegfried Name Blood of Siegfried
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 14
  • The ancient hero Siegfried killed the dragon Fafnir and bathed in his blood. That way, no ordinary blade could hurt him. You may not be a dragon slayer, but you may have some of Siegfried's blood in you.
  • In combat, you're far more resilient than a mere mortal. Your armor will be 10 points higher at all times.
Perk Details
Pacifist Name Pacifist
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 14
  • War is an old man's quarrel in which the young die and the country suffers. You've had enough, and want no part in the squandering of more lives.
  • As long as you don't kill anyone, your non-combat skills will be increased by 2 and your Speech by 3. If you kill someone, you lose the bonus but can regain it if you don't kill anyone for 12 game hours.
Perk Details
Warmonger Name Warmonger
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 14
  • When the horns of war sound, you are the first to answer, for you believe that those who want peace must be prepared to fight for it.
  • After the end of the fight, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength, Agility, and Combat skills. The effect lasts for 6 game hours. To renew it, you must enter combat again.
Perk Details
Heroic Vigour Name Heroic Vigour
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 16
  • You are so tireless, persistent, and indomitable that you could almost rival Roland or Hector.
  • Each level of Vitality adds 1 extra Stamina point. The effect also applies retroactively.
Perk Details
Well-Built Name Well-Built
Category Main Level Perk
Minimum Level Level 16
  • The arch of your shoulders looks like you're a descendant of the Titan Atlas.
  • As your Strength increases, your carrying capacity increases faster. For each level of strength, you gain 12 points of carrying capacity instead of the usual 10.
