Perks are one of the unique aspects of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. They are special abilities and various passive bonuses that allow you to change various parts of your build. Perks allow you to customize Henry’s build and create a unique playstyle. Marksmanship Perks is one of the perk categories in the game. They offer bonuses to marksmanship-related aspects of the game such as giving different buffs whenever you are using ranged weapons. Below you can find details on each perk in this category, what they do, and how to unlock them.
Marksmanship Perks List
Perk |
Details |
Name |
Steady Aim |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 6 |
Effect |
- Marksmanship is, above all, the art of not rushing the shot and firing with certainty.
- If you don't move for 2 or more seconds while aiming, your stamina will drain 20% slower, and your shot will be 15% stronger.
Perk |
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Name |
Crippling Shot |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 6 |
Effect |
- The main purpose of archers in battle was not to kill the enemy directly, but to wound and thus weaken or incapacitate them for further combat. You've mastered this skill quite well.
- If you deal damage to an enemy with a ranged weapon, their stamina will recover more slowly and their combat ability will be reduced.
Perk |
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Name |
Hal Shot First |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 8 |
Effect |
- No tough guy or criminal will come after you because Hal shoots first! Always in self-defense, of course.
- Your first shot will do 15% more damage. The perk will be active again after the end of the fight in which it was used or in one minute if no fight took place.
Perk |
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Name |
Salvo |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 8 |
Effect |
- When the commander orders you to darken the sky with arrows, he wants you to do just that. Along with 50 other archers from your squad.
- After each shot, you get a short-term buff during which you reload and aim faster. So you can also shoot faster and if you do it in time, you'll regain the buff with each shot.
Perk |
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Name |
Sagittarius |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 10 |
Effect |
- Mounted archers were used primarily for patrols, quick ambushes, and weakening the advancing enemy. Due to the need to master both riding and shooting, they were usually well-paid and valued.
- If you're in the saddle, the Stamina depletion for aiming with a ranged weapon will be halved.
Perk |
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Name |
Forbidden Weapon |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 12 |
Effect |
- The crossbow has more penetrating power than a bow and can pierce a plate at shorter distances. This is mainly due to the smaller bolt with a larger and heavier tip. In addition, injuries caused by such a bolt are often very serious. This was one of the reasons why the Papal See tried to ban the use of crossbows by Christians against Christians. However Papal bans failed and the crossbow became a common weapon.
- If you inflict a bleeding wound on an opponent with a crossbow bolt, bleeding will be faster and stronger, so they will weaken or die sooner.
Perk |
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Name |
Skirmisher |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 12 |
Effect |
- Skirmishers sometimes referred to as the vanguard, were typically light infantry archers whose tasks were to inflict losses on the enemy before the main battle, conduct reconnaissance, secure the flanks or rear, or perform quick strikes followed by withdrawal. You have also mastered this art.
- After a shot from a bow while on foot, your stamina will recover 25% faster and sprinting will cost 50% less stamina, making it easier to move or flee. The effect lasts for 10s.
Perk |
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Name |
Thunderous Blast |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 12 |
Effect |
- The guns don't yet stand out for their dazzling accuracy, but they are more than a little scary. You've learned how to pack and seal the barrel to make it blast like hell itself.
- Your first gunshot during combat will cause nearby opponents to take a temporary combat skill and morale penalty, making them less of a threat to you.
Perk |
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Name |
Crippling Hit II |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 14 |
Effect |
- You're really good at hitting sensitive spots and armor weak points.
- If you deal damage to an enemy with a ranged weapon, their stamina will regenerate significantly slower, and their combat effectiveness will be further reduced. The negative effect will also last longer.
Perk |
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Name |
One Shot at Glory |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 14 |
Effect |
- You have achieved a true and renowned mastery of shooting. Your only concern is having enough ammunition because only the most armored enemies withstand your fire.
- If you kill an enemy with a ranged weapon, your next shot will deal 50% more damage.
Perk |
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Name |
Hal Shot First II |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 16 |
Effect |
- Hal shoots first, no matter what anyone says, Hal just shoots first!
- Your first shot will deal 15% more damage, for a total of 30% with the first perk level. The rest of the effect remains unchanged.
Perk |
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Name |
Steady Aim II |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 16 |
Effect |
- Even though shooting is routine for you, you are still patient with every shot and you waste very few arrows.
- If you don't move for 2 or more seconds while aiming, your shot will be 30% stronger.
Perk |
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Name |
Eagle Eye |
Category |
Marksmanship Perk |
Minimum Level |
Marksmanship 18 |
Effect |
- Eagles have a great vision that every sharpshooter dreams of. It's lucky they don't have bows to go with it, or humanity would be lost. But you have a bow and a keen eye.
- When aiming with a bow or crossbow, the action around you slows down considerably for a moment, making it easier to aim. The effect lasts for 3 seconds or until you fire.