Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: All Thievery Perks

This guide will show you details about each thievery perk available in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: All Thievery Perks
Warhorse Studios

Perks are one of the unique aspects of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. They are special abilities and various passive bonuses that allow you to change various parts of your build. Perks allow you to customize Henry’s build and create a unique playstyle. Thievery Perks is one of the perk categories in the game. They offer bonuses to thievery-related aspects of the game such as picking locks, managing stolen items, and others. Below you can find details on each perk in this category, what they do, and how to unlock them.

Thievery Perks List

Perk Details
Nimble Fingers Name Nimble Fingers
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 6
  • Buckles seem to open by themselves, laces untie as soon as you run your hand over them. You may sometimes have trouble tying your boots, but you've found other uses for this gift.
  • When in the time-collecting phase of the pickpocketing minigame, you'll gain time 10% faster.
Perk Details
Silent Fiddler Name Silent Fiddler
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 6
  • You're so good at lockpicking that you even know how to mess it up correctly.
  • You're almost silent when using a lockpick, and if it happens to break, the sound will be 75% quieter.
Perk Details
Rapid Flight Name Rapid Flight
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 8
  • Better to let go of the line than to capsize the boat.
  • If you fail to successfully return through the doorway box during the thieving minigame, you won't steal anything, but your victim won't notice you. After using the perk, the effect will have a 3-minute cooldown before it can be used again.
Perk Details
Tool Master Name Tool Master
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 8
  • You take pride in your equipment and take good care of it because the right tool and thorough preparation are half the success.
  • Your lockpicks will be more durable and last 15% longer before breaking. If you still manage to break a lockpick, once you've successfully overcome the lock, a lockpick will be returned to your inventory.
Perk Details
Hidden Pockets Name Hidden Pockets
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 10
  • A skilled pickpocket knows the best places to hide valuables. After all, being smart isn't the only thing you should have under your hat. Boots need to be checked, coats and other outerwear thoroughly searched, and hoods should definitely not be overlooked. Fortunately, guards generally have no idea about such hiding spots.
  • If a guard searches you, there's a 33% chance he won't find stolen items on you.
Perk Details
Thief's Eyes Name Thief's Eyes
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 10
  • Porridge needn't be eaten as hot as it is cooked. And you know when it's the right time to eat.
  • You can tell if the stolen items you possess are considered stolen in your current location.
Perk Details
Back Alley Skirmisher Name Back Alley Skirmisher
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 12
  • Fighting honorably is unwise. You know how to fight really close and with a short weapon, to obtain a quick outcome from your opponent. For this, you may as well be called Henry of Stabbington.
  • Using a one-handed weapon on its own, you will deal 10% more damage. The effect also applies if you wield a torch in your off-hand.
Perk Details
Lawbreaker Name Lawbreaker
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 12
  • Let's break that law right now!
  • If you are wanted for a crime, you gain bonuses of +3 to Strength and Warfare and +1 to Agility. Effect lasts 120 seconds.
Perk Details
Mischief Artist Name Mischief Artist
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 14
  • When Fortuna provides, grab with both hands.
  • After successfully picking a lock or pickpocketing, you gain a +3 bonus in Thievery and a +3 bonus in Stealth. The effect lasts for 120 seconds, or until you break a lockpick or fail at pickpocketing.
Perk Details
Stamping Ground Name Stamping Ground
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 14
  • It's not the first time, and it won't be the last. But you do it well, and you do it with relish. Most of the time.
  • When you are in human settlements or their immediate vicinity, your Stealth skill will count as 3 higher.
Perk Details
Trafficker Name Trafficker
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 16
  • There's a tale of a comely lass who robbed a church. They caught her three villages away because she had beautiful dresses. The work was honest, but not very clever, as she had sewn them from stolen vestments. You're not lacking in wit and know how to handle hot goods.
  • Stolen items in your inventory will lose their stolen status a quarter faster.
Perk Details
Inconspicuous Name Inconspicuous
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 18
  • It's simple, people carry more valuable items in their front pouches because they think it's hard to steal from them. Which is why they don't pay as much attention to them. Get it?
  • The person you’re robbing may not see you, so you can reach even into their front pouch, but while you're rummaging through their pockets, they might still feel your presence.
Perk Details
Master Thief Name Master Thief
Category Thievery Perk
Minimum Level Thievery 18
  • Common locks are no obstacle for you, and you welcome the more complex ones as a worthy challenge
  • You can unlock simple locks almost instantly, without the need for mini-game activation or committing a crime. Still, be careful because looting an unlocked chest like this is still a crime.
