Patch 14.4 brought LP changes to League of Legends, which brings both good and bad news for Low Elo players. Simply put, now it's way easier to climb but also get demoted in Ranked in LoL. Riot is doing this to make sure League of Legends players' skills and Rank are at the same level. Here's everything you need to know:
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LoL LP Changes in Ranked
LoL Patch 14.4 reduces LP gains below Emerald, gaining and losing 25 LP on average in these ranks. Ranked players would've gained or lost 28 LP before the update. This means it's easier to get demoted, but also slightly easier to climb. These changes supposedly puts low elo players in a more 'realistic to their skill' state of climbing in Ranked. This also means LP gains have been reverted to what they were.
Reducing LP gains a bit will make climbs a bit more consistent to help with SS1 (will peak a little lower off a streak, but if you fall back down, it won't be as painful) - Making it slightly easier to demote will help with SS2 (especially because we made it easier to promote last season)
Why Are the Changes Taking Place?
At the start of Season 14, Riot wanted to increase LP gains below Emerald. The idea was to give players a boost in climbing, but for a small percentage of LoL players, this resulted in negative LP gains.
Negative LP gains occurred due to demotion protection or, as Matt Leung-Harrison claims, an error in Riot's reset process. Demotion protection offered LoL players a second chance to prove their worth in their current rank. However, this led to a mismatch between their rank and actual skill.
Thanks to the increased LP gains, League of Legends players experienced a slightly higher climb and peak in Ranked than anticipated. According to Riot, this may be due to luck or a specific champion currently being overpowered. In this scenario, players should return to their appropriate rank rather than relying solely on the strike of luck they got at some point.
When players lose at 0 LP they hit the protection wall. Their skill is going down, but their rank isn't. This means their skill and rank aren't the same. If they keep losing LoL matches - they're probably going to have negative LP gains for some time until their LP corrects itself.
The new changes make it so players can get demoted and promoted way more easily, so their skill and rank are at the same level.
- LP Gains are reverted to gaining and losing 25 LP in Ranked.
- These changes apply to LoL players below Emerald.
- The LP Gains are different due to negative LP gains.
- The changes will make climbing and demotion in League of Legends' Ranked easier.
We hope we've made these changes understandable for you! Don't forget to check out the Patch Notes for LoL 14.4.