LoL MSI 2024 Grand Finals: GEN vs BLG Result and Games

We will take a look at the Grand Final of the League of Legends 2024 MSI Tournament between the LCK and LPL.

LoL MSI 2024 Grand Finals: GEN vs BLG Result and Games
Riot Games

The League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational Finals are upon as only two teams remain to claim the glory and a guaranteed spot for the 2024 League of Legends World Championship. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the Bo5 series rematch between the LCK first seed- Gen.G as they face the LPL first seed- Bilibili Gaming. We will most definitely have a banger series as both regions have performed phenomenally during MSI, with some very close matches ultimately leading us to a world-class clash between the best of the best. 

LoL MSI 2024 Finals GEN vs BLG
Riot Games



MSI 2024 Finals: GEN vs BLG Match Result

MSI 2024 Finals LoL GEN vs BLG
Riot Games

We will go through all of the games that were played out, as well as the champion picks. 

MSI 2024 Finals: Game 1 GEN vs BLG 1-0

Kiin K'Sante TOP Twisted Fate Bin
Canyon Karthus JNG Xin Zhao Xun
Chovy Yone MID Taliyah knight
Peyz Senna BOT Lucian Elk
Lehends Tahm Kench SUP Nami ON

A great start to the series for BLG as they were able to dive Kiin's K'Sante and grab first blood. BLG was able to punish Kiin's overaggression and secure their second kill of the game. Following two attempts at killing Bin, GEN was finally able to secure their first kill, however, at the cost of neutral objectives going in the favor of BLG.

A brutal fight around dragon secured BLG the Hextech Soul as well as several kills onto GEN, however, the scaling composition on the side of the LCK might start pushing the LPL team into a corner. A great comeback from GEN secured them the first Baron as well as crucial shutdowns, equalizing the game state. 

A very close Elder drake fight ultimately gave GEN the upper hand in future fights. GEN was able to secure the second Baron of the game and slowly siege BLG's base as a fight later erupted around drake, showcasing the power of Karthus' late game. After a final fight at the second Elder drake, GEN victoriously marched towards BLG's Nexus, claiming the first win in the series.




MSI 2024 Finals: Game 2 GEN vs BLG 2-0

Bin Camille TOP Twisted Fate Kiin
Xun Xin Zhao JNG Sejuani Canyon
knight Yone MID Yone Chovy
Elk Varus BOT Kalista Peyz
ON Ashe SUP Blitzcrank Lehends

Lehends' Blitzcrank marked the start of GEN's domination over BLG as the LCK team seemed even more confident in their skirmishes, quickly getting crucial objectives as well as pick onto the LPL roster. 

A brutal stomp from GEN as Peyz' Kalista was able to set a world record for most kills at an international tournament, however, BLG was able to punish GEN's over confident display, ultimately blundering a crucial fight, giving the LPL more breathing room in the game. 

Despite the blunder from GEN, the LCK region was able to stabilize and reach match point by going 2-0. 

MSI 2024 Finals: Game 3 GEN vs BLG 2-1

Bin Jax TOP Rumble Kiin
Xun Nidalee JNG Lee Sin Canyon
knight Jayce MID Hwei Chovy
Elk Senna BOT Kalista Peyz
ON Tahm Kench SUP Ashe Lehends

Game 3 started quite slowly as BLG was able to secure a kill onto the GEN bot lane. Canyon's Lee Sin was able to neutralize Jax as Xun came just in the nick of time to help out his bot lane win the bloody skirmish. 

BLG was able to keep their cool and continuously punish the overextending GEN roster as they slowly started snowballing their minor leads. After a very scrappy fight around drake, BLG was able to come out on top and secure their first Baron of the game. BLG's poke-heavy comp might prove difficult to overcome, as GEN will need to rely on Canyon to get a crucial kick onto an enemy carry.

A huge fight by GEN allowed them to stabilize the game state as both teams started to look at claiming the Baron. A crucial clash at mid gave BLG enough space to decimate the squishy champions and get the Baron buff. Following a huge last fight, BLG was able to strike back and defeat GEN.



MSI 2024 Finals: Game 4 GEN vs BLG 3-1

Kiin Rumble TOP Camille Bin
Canyon Lee Sin JNG Nidalee Xun
Chovy Yone MID Tristana knight
Peyz Senna BOT Zeri Elk
Lehends Maokai SUP Nautilus ON

With BLG still fighting to win it all, GEN was able to get some early kills as Lehends' Maokai has been crucial in the success of the LCK. The game was fairly equal for both sides with GEN establishing an early lead, only for BLG to stabilize through Bin's Camille. 

Following a fantastic fight around Baron, GEN showed great discipline and patience, slowly squeezing the life out of BLG and further pushing them into a corner. With just one game away from claiming the MSI 2024 title, GEN followed through on their famous slow, but efficient playstyle.

In a surprising twist of events, Xun was able to steal away GEN's Baron and equalize the game state as BLG looked to siege the LCK's base. An explosive fight around Baron let BLG survive another day as GEN seemed desperate to secure the game. 

Bin's attempt to end the game allowed GEN the opportunity to claim Infernal Soul and Baron. After an incredibly tense and nail-biting game, Chovy finally claims his first international title and wins the series 3-1.
