Given the massive changes in League of Legends, a lot of players are wondering which champions are best for their respective roles. Not only is Riot Games looking to shake things up every year gameplay-wise, but there also seems to be a shift in terms of balancing and overall design philosophy overhauls.
With that in mind, we will take a look at the best mid lane champions you can pick in 25.S1.1 (15.1) and start off your Ranked climb appropriately.
Table of Contents
Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the mid lane. Keep in mind that this is for Emerald+ divisions.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
S-Tier Mid Lane Champions
Viktor finally has risen from the ashes, and the recent rework has made him quite a strong and popular pick in the mid lane. Boasting a decent laning phase and good AoE damage, Viktor is a great pick given the abundance of skirmishes in the meta.
Cassiopeia is very dominant not only in the mid lane, but also top, making her quite the fierce AP carry that gradually scales into becoming a powerful mage.
Galio has great team fighting potential, given his semi-global ultimate allowing you to shove waves and roam without sacrificing too much.
Hwei is a great long-range AP carry that benefits from fights in the river or jungle so he can effectively zone out enemies and deal massive damage.
Akshan is a great spot, given how his kit enables to roam and take part in early-game skirmishes and slowly snowball your team to victory.
Syndra is a very fun control mage that excels in the mid-game. She excels in small skirmishes, and not only does she bring some much-needed CC in a fight, her damage is also not to be underestimated once she has 1-2 items.
Vex brings a lot to the table as her wave clearing compliments a semi-roaming playstyle to help out in fights around objectives.
Zoe is a very annoying champion to lane against who can utilize the terrain to set up some nasty combos and virtually one-shot squishy carries.
Lux is a straightforward AP carry that does not require a lot of setup to be effective in team fights.
Vlad is a scaling machine, and by having access to easy harass and sustain, you can breeze through the laning phase and start dealing massive damage.
Lissandra is a very strong control mage that loves to dive into the action, and given the amount of skirmishes around neutral objectives, being able to lock up key targets will help you secure important kills.
Malzahar is great at shoving waves given his very annoying-to-deal-with kit, coupled with his ultimate that easily sets up ganks, you can find a lot of success.
Anivia needs some time to become powerful, but you can gain a lot of advantages through her terrain generation or general zoning tools.
Kassadin is one of the most mobile AP carries in the game, that not only scales very well, but can quickly help out team mates around neutral objectives or even roam.
A-Tier Mid Lane Champions
Qiyana is a deadly assassin, however, the current meta might make it difficult for her to snowball given how tanks have gained prevalence.
Xerath is an artillery mage, similar to Hwei, so his playstyle favors a more precise playstyle. That means staying on the outskirts of a fight, and not diving deep into the action.
Vel'Koz is another great pick for smaller skirmishes as your passive can quickly chunk down enemies.
Annie is one of the easiest champion to play, making her an excellent choice for players wanting to learn how to group and fight for objectives.
Ryze has become more popular, as you can build even tankier and still do a lot of damage. Your ultimate also can generate some much-needed tempo when going for objectives.
Brand is a great option for skirmishes, given how your passive and ultimate benefit from tight spaces.
Swain can scale to become quite the terrifying monster, and given the abundance of skirmishes and team fighting this season, your ultimate will be even more useful.
B-Tier Mid Lane Champions
Although Ahri can be quite the powerful roaming champion, she lacks the damage needed to excel in the early fights.
Aurelion Sol requires a lot of time to become viable, and given how hectic and chaotic games can be, most of the times you will be unable to generate enough stacks.
Although Twisted Fate has a global ultimate that allows your team to set up clear objective routes, his damage leaves you wanting more, but the utility he brings is not to be underestimated.
Similar to Aurelion Sol, Veigar needs some time to gather his strength and AP, and given the lack of mobility, you can struggle to help out your team for objectives.
Ekko is fairly decent, however, a new build is circulating in the top lane where you run Grasp of the Undying and build him even tankier.
Orianna is your standard control mage that neither sucks, nor shines bright enough to call her OP or a priority pick.
Pantheon can be great given his ability to cross map with his ultimate.
Ziggs has a strong ultimate that can help you push out waves or assist your team whilst laning.
Best Mid Lane Champions Tier List
All in all, this League of Legends tier list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
S-Tier Champions
- Viktor
- Irelia
- Cassiopeia
- Galio
- Hwei
- Akshan
- Syndra
- Vex
- Zoe
- Lux
- Vladimir
- Lissandra
- Malzahar
- Taliyah
- Anivia
- Kassadin
A-Tier Champions
- Qiyana
- Malphite
- Corki
- Vel'Koz
- Neeko
- Swain
- Annie
- Gragas
- Ryze
- Kayle
- Garen
- Brand
- Cho'Gath
B-Tier Champions
- Ahri
- Karma
- Pantheon
- Orianna
- Talon
- Ambessa
- Aurelion Sol
- Twisted Fate
- Ekko
- Naafiri
- Veigar
- Ziggs
- Diana
C-Tier Champions
- Aurora
D-Tier Champions
- Sylas
- Jayce
- Fizz
- Azir
- Katarina
- Akali
- Yasuo
- Smolder
- Zed
- Yone
- LeBlanc