LoL Patch 14.21 has been here for a while and it's huge. It brought lots of buffs and nerfs to League of Legends champions. Of course, this shook up the meta a lot. In this article we will list the best Support champ picks for your next LoL Ranked win streak. Don't forget to keep an eye out for the changing trends when it comes to power balance in League of Legends as this is crucial to your performance.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken champion in the bot lane.
Best Support Champions in Patch 14.21

Patch 14.21 nerfed Senna's base armor and armor growth but this didn't make her bad, it balanced her. Currently, she's still an amazing pick, offering a hybrid playstyle as a support and marksman. Senna offers great damage and healing, a long-range poke, and a powerful ultimate, Dawning Shadow, which shields allies.

Lux has it all - AoE, shield, root, and a fun ult. She has high burst potential and she's also the queen of crowd control, shining bright in team fights. Lux brings both offensive and defensive options to Ranked. She's definitely the type of support to carry bot lane even with a bad ADC by her side.

Thresh is a versatile support known for his amazing hook. He has utility and tankiness, perfect for Ranked. Thresh's tanky playstyle lets him peel for carries and create opportunities, making him an amazing choice for almost any LoL team composition.

When hasn't Morgana been an amazing choice in League of Legends? No wonder she's among the most banned champions in the current meta - many fear her stun. She's also known for her amazing shield, which prevents crowd control effects on her allies. Similar to Lux, Morgana is the type of support who can carry a bad ADC.

Another support who can carry the game. Pyke brings lots of damage and sustains to the bot lane, along with the potential to execute low-health enemies and share gold with his teammates through his ultimate. His Ghostwater Dive allows stealthily playstyle. He's definitely one of those aggressive and dangerous supports, which might make the enemy team rage quit.
This was our selection among the best Supports in League of Legends Patch 14.21. Keep an eye on the LoL meta to make sure you're always performing well in ranked!