Pump up the Jam in Teamfight Tactics with Set 10
Teamfight Tactics Remix Rumble will be available on the PBE on November 7, 2023. You will be able to test out this new roster of characters and find the best synergies and strategies before it goes live.
The new set will be available to everyone on November 21, 2023 after two weeks of testing on the PBE.
Riot Games are set to release one of the most unique sets ever in TFT as the entire aesthetic is built around you being the DJ and hiring musicians so you can display your cool sound and defeat your opponents in style. The self-proclaimed biggest K/DA fan and VTuber Neeko announced this new set in a video:
Rumble Remix Cast
Your favorite musical projects from Riot will be available to you so you can not only enjoy the amazing skins for each lineup, but also listen to your favorite artists as well!
You can't have a music-themed set without K/DA showing up and stealing the spotlight as you will be able to place them under the limelight to get bonus stats and more bonuses. Here are the champions that will fit in with the K/DA trait:
- Ahri
- Akali
- Neeko
- Seraphine
- Kai'Sa
- Evelynn
- Lillia
Watch out for the new boys on the block as this trait look to not only steal your hearts, but also the win. A new mechanic where you can turn the hearts you've taken into loot like gold or items, they will surely spice things up! Here are the champions under this lineup:
- Ezreal
- Kayne
- Yone
- Aphelios
- Sett
- K'Sante
You will also be able to grab this cute Heartsteel Sett Chibi along with his regular variant as well.
True Damage
The stylish cast is here to make you go "WOW" as you will be able to add bling to every champion by itemizing them accordingly to their musical needs in similar fashion to Cybernetic from Set 3. Here are the stars of the show:
- Yasuo
- Senna
- Ekko
- Qiyana
- Akali
You can't go wrong with some metal, as this band will knock your socks off! As the name implies, should the members get a pentakill, be ready for a world of hurt so don't let your guard down around their heavy riffs and sick tunes. Here are your rockstars:
- Karthus
- Yorick
- Mordekaiser
- Kayle
- Olaf
- Viego
These bright and colorful characters will make you go boogie with a their own disco ball that heals and gives attack speed to allies. Here are your groovy artists:
- Gragas
- Taric
- Twisted Fate
- Nami
- Blitzcrank
These cowboys are a force to be reckoned with. Despite their country hospitality, don't mess with them or their Dreadsteed Hecarim once they start harmonizing. Here are your desperados:
- Thresh
- Katarina
- Tahm Kench
- Urgot
- Samira
Big Sad
Emo also is getting some love as the brooding members are always shedding a tear for their fallen friends making them more powerful from the sadness of it all. Here are your gothic stars:
- Poppy
- Vex
- Annie
- Amumu
The EDM ensemble known as Tranceform is on the verge of a powerful synergy, where a designated Tranceform unit will assume leadership, and all other Tranceform units will likewise unleash their magical abilities simultaneously. Here is your star cast:
- Jax
- Lux
- Zed
- Zac
These punks are set on wrecking the stage as their number rule is that there are no rules! Your first reroll will only cost 1 gold, and your Anarchists will get extra stats for each reroll so shake that moneymaker. Here are your bad boys and girls:
- Pantheon
- Vi
- Jinx
- Twitch
Jazz it up with this musical trio as your improvisational skills will lend you to new heights as every non-unique trait you have active will grant you bonus stats. Here are your swazzy members:
- Bard
- Lucian
- Miss Fortune
The High-Score are very unique in their design. When deploying High-Score units, they have the ability to score points with the audience. As they get additional points, their popularity with the crowd will grow, granting them power-ups. Here are your goofballs:
- Garen
- Caitlyn
- Corki
- Riven
A Yordle duo that is yet to be uncovered how their music helps you win the crowd over and the game. Here is the dynamic duo:
- Ziggs
- Lulu
Technically not a band, these champions hype up their Headliner by providing radiant items based on the trait tier. Here are your fans:
- Gnar
- Kennen
Sona is back as the beat's queen, and she's got a special ability. With Mixmaster, Sona can pick a specific form that compliments your lineup when you put her in, thus granting bonuses like healing, attack speed, or damage.
Illaoi is a drummer that brings the thunder as her beats come crashing down along with her dangerous tentacles so you better watch out!
Just as Sona did, Jhin couldn't resist getting in on the fun. Jhin can bring turrets onto the player's bench that he controls to attack enemy units. Moreover, Jhin can dish out extra damage to enemy tacticians, making him an excellent unit for finishing off opponents.
Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Mechanics
Here is a quick rundown of what changes we can expect in the upcoming set in TFT. Some mechanics have been removed whilst others have been tweaked so as to provide a better experience overall for all players.
The Chosen mechanic is making a comeback in Set 10. Headliners are unique units that may occasionally show up in your shop.
Similar to Chosen, Headliners will boost one of their traits by +1 and will automatically come as 2-star units.
In contrast to Chosen, each Headliner will come with a distinct headliner effect, enhancing both the unit and its abilities.
Since its introduction in Set 9, Legends have been a widely discussed topic. Riot has observed the potential adverse impact of Legends on the meta and has decided to remove them in Set 10. The developers are planning to delve into and experiment further with Legends before considering a possible reintroduction in the future.
Portals have made their return! Similar to Set 9, players will have the opportunity to vote on portals at the beginning of the game. However, these portals won't have as significant of an impact on the game as they did in Set 9, yet they will still introduce added intricacy to each match.
This new set will bring a very exciting dynamic to games as players will not only experiment with cool new champions but also enjoy the music Riot Games has produced and created over the years. With portals being revamped and Legends removed, this new set might be more balanced so that everyone has the chance to be the star of the game!