Overwatch is taking us back in time with the Overwatch Classic event. We'll get to revive the exciting 6v6 gameplay and play as the iconic heroes that made the original Blizzard game a hit. For a limited time, fans of the franchise can relive the glory days of Overwatch, with familiar faces like Tracer, Widowmaker, and Winston returning to their original form. Each hero will get their classic version abilities which makes the event truly special. You can read more about Overwatch Classic here. Meanwhile, in this article, we will take a look at all of the available heroes and their abilities during the event.
Table of Contents
All Heroes in Overwatch Classic
Here's the full list of heroes who will appear in Overwatch Classic:
Offense Heroes
- Cassidy
- Genji
- Pharah
- Reaper
- Solider: 76
- Tracer
Defense Heroes
- Bastion
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
- Mei
- Torbjörn
- Widowmaker
Tank Heroes
- D.Va
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
- Winston
- Zarya
Support Heroes
- Lúcio
- Mercy
- Symmetra
- Zenyatta
Hero Abilities in Overwatch Classic
Here’s a breakdown of some of the heroes and abilities returning for this exciting event:

- Configuration: Recon: In Recon mode, Bastion is fully mobile, outfitted with a submachine gun that fires steady bursts of bullets at medium range.
- Configuration: Sentry: Bastion is a stationary powerhouse equipped with a gatling gun capable of unleashing a hail of bullets. The gun's aim can be "walked" across multiple targets, dealing devastating damage at short to medium range.
- Self-Repair: Bastion restores its health; it cannot fire weapons while the repair process is in effect.
- Reconfigure: Bastion transforms between its two primary combat modes to adapt to battlefield conditions.
- Ironclad: Reduce damage taken while transformed.
- Ultimate Ability: Configuration: Tank: In Tank mode, Bastion extends wheeled treads and a powerful long-range cannon. The cannon’s explosive shells demolish targets in a wide blast radius, but Bastion can only remain in this mode for a limited time.

- Shuriken: Genji looses three deadly throwing stars in quick succession. Alternatively, he can throw three shuriken in a wider spread.
- Swift strike: Genji darts forward, slashing with his wakizashi and passing through foes in his path. If Genji eliminates a target, he can instantly use this ability again.
- Deflect: With lightning-quick swipes of his sword, Genji reflects any oncoming projectiles and can send them rebounding towards his enemies.
- Cyber-Agility: Thanks to his cybernetic abilities, Genji can climb walls and perform jumps in mid-air.
- Ultimate Ability: Dragonblade: Genji brandishes his katana for a brief period of time. Until he sheathes his sword, Genji can deliver killing strikes to any targets within his reach.

- Fusion Canons: D.Va's mech is equipped with twin short-range rotating cannons. They lay down continuous, high-damage fire without needing to reload, but slow D.Va’s movement while they’re active.
- Defense Matrix: D.Va can activate this forward-facing targeting array to shoot incoming projectiles out of the air.
- Boosters: D.Va’s mech launches into the air, her momentum carrying her forward. She can turn and change directions or barrel through her enemies, knocking them back.
- Micro Missiles: D.Va fires a barrage of small rockets that detonate on impact, dealing damage in a limited radius around each explosion.
- Eject: D.Va ejects out of her mech when it is destroyed.
- Ultimate Ability: D.Va ejects from her mech and sets its reactor to explode, dealing massive damage to nearby opponents.

- Storm Bow: Hanzo nocks and fires an arrow at his target, dealing significant damage. The longer he holds the bowstring, the more powerful and faster the arrow becomes.
- Sonic Arrow: Hanzo launches an arrow equipped with a sonar tracking device. This arrow marks any enemy within its detection radius, making them visible to Hanzo and his allies.
- Storm Arrows: For a short time, Hanzo’s next several arrows fire instantly, allowing him to release a rapid volley at reduced damage.
- Lunge: Hanzo can perform a double jump, changing direction mid-air, giving him increased mobility to evade or reposition.
- Wall Climb: Hanzo can scale vertical surfaces, allowing him to reach high vantage points and gain a strategic advantage.
- Ultimate Ability: Dragonstrike: Hanzo summons a Spirit Dragon that travels forward in a line, passing through walls and dealing heavy damage to any enemy caught within its path.

- Frag Launcher: Junkrat’s Frag Launcher fires grenades that bounce and travel a significant distance before exploding upon contact with an enemy. These grenades deal splash damage, making it effective for hitting groups or hard-to-reach targets.
- Concussion Mine: Junkrat can place one of his homemade mines and detonate it at will, causing explosive damage to enemies and launching them back. He can also use this ability to propel himself into the air for greater mobility.
- Steel Trap: Junkrat tosses out a large metal-toothed trap. If an enemy steps too close, the trap snaps shut, dealing damage and immobilizing them briefly.
- Total Mayhem: Upon dying, Junkrat drops multiple live grenades that explode after a short delay, dealing damage to any nearby enemies. His chaotic legacy lives on even in defeat.
- Ultimate Ability: RIP-Tire: Junkrat revs up an explosive tire and sends it rolling across the battlefield. This controllable bomb climbs over obstacles, allowing him to detonate it manually or let it explode on its own, dealing massive area damage to any enemies caught in its blast.

- Sonic Amplifier: Lúcio uses his Sonic Amplifier to launch bursts of sonic projectiles that deal damage to enemies. His secondary fire, Soundwave, unleashes a blast of sound that knocks enemies back, providing strategic control of the battlefield.
- Crossfade: Lúcio constantly plays music that affects himself and nearby teammates, switching between two tracks: one heals over time, while the other boosts movement speed, enhancing team mobility or resilience as needed.
- Amp It Up: Lúcio temporarily increases the volume of his music, amplifying the effects of his healing or speed boosts for a short time, allowing him to respond to critical moments with added support.
- Wall Ride: With his agile skills, Lúcio can skate along walls, moving with enhanced speed. This unique movement ability helps him reach high ground and evade enemy attacks.
- Ultimate Ability: Sound Barrier: Lúcio generates a massive temporary shield around himself and nearby teammates, absorbing incoming damage. This burst of protection is ideal for countering powerful enemy abilities and sustaining his team in intense fights.

- Endothermic Blaster: Mei’s blaster has two firing modes. The Freeze Spray emits a concentrated stream of frost at close range, dealing damage over time, slowing, and eventually freezing enemies. Her secondary fire, Icicle, launches medium-range icicle-like projectiles that can headshot for higher damage.
- Cryo-Freeze: Mei encases herself in a block of ice, healing herself and becoming immune to damage for a few seconds. While in this state, she cannot move or use other abilities, making it a strategic choice for survival and timing.
- Ice Wall: Mei constructs a towering wall of ice pillars that blocks enemy movement, line of sight, and projectiles. This obstacle provides both protection and control over the battlefield.
- Ultimate Ability: Blizzard: Mei throws a weather-modification drone that creates an intense blizzard in a wide area, damaging and slowing all enemies caught in its radius. Enemies who remain in the blizzard for too long are frozen solid, leaving them vulnerable.

- Caduceus Staff: Mercy’s staff has two beam modes. The Healing Beam restores health to a single ally as long as the connection is maintained. Alternatively, the Damage-boosting Beam enhances an ally's damage output, allowing them to deal more damage to enemies.
- Caduceus Blaster: For emergency situations, Mercy wields a sidearm blaster that fires single rounds. This weapon is meant for self-defense when allies are unavailable or out of range.
- Guardian Angel: Mercy quickly flies toward a selected ally, allowing her to close distances fast and provide immediate aid.
- Resurrect: Mercy channels her power to revive a fallen ally with full health, bringing them back into the fight. This ability has a short casting time and requires close range.
- Angelic Descent: Using her Valkyrie suit, Mercy can gently float down from heights, slowing her fall to navigate safely and position herself strategically.
- Regeneration: Mercy passively heals over time, allowing her to recover health without needing any additional abilities.
- Ultimate Ability: Valkyrie: Mercy’s ultimate ability activates her Valkyrie suit to its full potential, amplifying her abilities, granting enhanced movement, and extending the range and effectiveness of her healing and damage-boosting beams.

- Rocket Launcher: Pharah's primary weapon launches powerful rockets that deal significant direct damage and have a wide splash radius. The splash damage also affects enemies in the surrounding area, as well as Pharah herself.
- Concussive Blast: Pharah fires a wrist rocket that knocks enemies away from her. This ability allows her to disrupt enemy positioning and create space, but it can also be used to propel herself or her enemies.
- Jump Jet: Using the thrusters in her suit, Pharah can leap high into the air, allowing her to reposition and avoid danger.
- Hover Jets: Pharah can hover in mid-air for a brief period, giving her increased mobility and the ability to stay in the air longer, making her harder to hit while providing greater positioning options.
- Ultimate Ability: Barrage: Pharah unleashes a devastating barrage of mini-rockets, firing them automatically at a rapid rate. This channeled ability allows her to deal massive damage to groups of enemies in a short period, although she is immobile during its duration.

- Hellfire Shotguns: Reaper's twin shotguns deliver devastating damage at close range, with pellets that can hit multiple enemies at once. Their falloff damage means their effectiveness decreases over distance, making them most dangerous in close-quarter combat.
- Wraith Form: Reaper becomes a shadow for a short time, allowing him to pass through enemies and become immune to all damage. While in Wraith Form, he cannot attack or use other abilities, but he gains a slight movement speed boost.
- Shadow Step: Reaper marks a location and then teleports to it. This ability allows him to quickly reposition across the battlefield, avoiding damage or setting up surprise attacks.
- The Reaping: Reaper passively heals for a percentage of the damage he deals, allowing him to sustain himself in combat as he fights. The more damage he does, the more health he regains.
- Ultimate Ability: Death Blossom: Reaper channels a burst of rapid shotgun fire, hitting all nearby enemies in an area around him. This high-damage ability makes him a powerful force in close-quarters combat, especially when enemies are clustered together. Reaper is immobile during this channeled attack.

- Steadfast: Reinhardt has a passive ability that makes him 50% resistant to knockback effects, allowing him to maintain his position even in the face of enemy attacks that would typically push him back.
- Rocket Hammer: Reinhardt swings his massive Rocket Hammer in a wide arc, dealing high damage to any enemies within its reach. This melee weapon allows Reinhardt to punish enemies in close quarters.
- Barrier Field: Reinhardt activates a large, mobile energy barrier in front of him. The barrier absorbs up to 1600 damage and regenerates at a rate of 200 HP per second. While Reinhardt is maintaining the barrier, he cannot attack.
- Charge: Reinhardt charges in a straight line, pinning and stunning the first enemy he hits. If he collides with a wall, the enemy he’s carrying takes even greater damage. This ability is ideal for disrupting enemy positions and isolating targets.
- Fire Strike: Reinhardt swings his Rocket Hammer forward, launching a fiery projectile that pierces through enemies. It travels in a straight line and deals significant damage to any enemy it hits.
- Ultimate Ability: Earthshatter: Reinhardt uses his Rocket Hammer to slam the ground with immense force, stunning and damaging all enemies in front of him. This area-of-effect stun can incapacitate multiple foes at once, making it a powerful crowd control tool.

- Scrap Gun
- Primary Fire: Shrapnel Blast
Roadhog fires a shotgun blast with 25 fragments that spread out. Each fragment deals 1.3 to 7 damage, depending on range, and can hit enemies in a wide spread. The maximum bodyshot damage is 175, with a falloff range from 15 to 30 meters. - Secondary Fire: Shrapnel Ball
This fire mode launches a single shrapnel ball that detonates at a distance, scattering 25 fragments that deal 1.3 to 7 damage per fragment, up to 170 bodyshot damage. The ball travels with a falloff range of 24 to 39 meters. - Chain Hook: Roadhog hurls a chain at an enemy target. If the chain catches, it pulls the target toward him, allowing Roadhog to close the gap quickly and set up close-range combat. The hook deals 30 damage and has a cooldown of 8 seconds.
- Take A Breather: Roadhog heals himself for 300 health per second, while gaining +50% damage resistance during the healing process. This ability lasts for 1 second of healing, with a total duration of 2 seconds, and has an 8-second cooldown.
- Ultimate Ability: Whole Hog: Roadhog channels his Scrap Gun to fire rapidly at enemies, releasing 7.5 shots per second, each dealing 109.5 damage with 12 pellets. The ability knocks back enemies and can deal a maximum of 4928 damage per use. The ultimate lasts for 6 seconds, with Roadhog moving slower while channeling.

Soldier: 76
- Heavy Pulse Rifle: Soldier: 76’s rifle remains particularly steady while unloading fully-automatic pulse fire.
- Helix Rockets: Soldier: 76 launches rockets in a burst, dealing damage in a small radius.
- Sprint: Soldier: 76 increases his movement speed to quickly get into or out of combat.
- Biotic Field: Soldier: 76 deploys a field that heals him and nearby allies over time.
- Ultimate Ability: Tactical Visor: Soldier: 76 activates a visor that auto-locks on the closest enemy for precise targeting.

- Photon Projector: Symmetra’s weapon emits a continuous beam that grows stronger the longer it stays connected, or she can fire explosive energy balls for high damage.
- Sentry Turret: Symmetra places turrets that automatically track and slow enemies with damaging beams.
- Teleporter: Symmetra deploys a teleporter that allows allies to instantly travel between two points.
- Ultimate Ability: Photon Barrier: Symmetra creates a massive, indestructible energy barrier that blocks ranged attacks across the map.

- Rivet Gun: Torbjörn fires rivets at enemies from a distance, or ejects molten metal in a short, powerful burst at close range.
- Forge Hammer: Torbjörn uses his hammer to build, repair, and upgrade turrets, or swings it as a weapon.
- Deploy Turret: Torbjörn deploys a turret that automatically targets and attacks enemies.
- Overload: Torbjörn boosts himself with extra armor and increased attack, movement, and reload speed.
- Ultimate Ability: Molten Core: Torbjörn unleashes molten globules that deal massive sustained damage, especially to armored enemies.

- Pulse Pistols: Tracer rapidly fires both of her pistols at enemies.
- Blink: Tracer zips through space in the direction she's moving, quickly reappearing a short distance away.
- Recall: Tracer rewinds time, restoring her health, ammo, and position to a few seconds prior.
- Ultimate Ability: Pulse Bomb: Tracer throws a bomb that sticks to surfaces or enemies and explodes after a brief delay, dealing high damage.

- Widow's Kiss: A versatile sniper rifle, capable of rapid fire for close to mid-range or precision shots when scoped.
- Grappling Hook: Widowmaker launches a grappling hook to reach high ground, providing a better view and positioning.
- Venom Mine: A deployable mine that explodes when triggered by enemy movement, releasing poison gas in the area.
- Ultimate Ability: Infra-Sight: Widowmaker activates a recon visor, allowing herself and her allies to see enemy heat signatures through walls for a short period.

- Tesla Cannon: Fires an electric barrage in a short-range, frontal area of effect, dealing consistent damage as long as the trigger is held.
- Jump Pack: Winston leaps through the air, dealing damage and staggering enemies when he lands.
- Barrier Projector: Deploys a protective energy bubble that absorbs damage, shielding allies inside while they can attack.
- Ultimate Ability: Primal Rage: Winston unleashes his primal fury, boosting his health and melee damage, and allowing frequent use of his Jump Pack while in rage.

- Particle Cannon: A powerful energy weapon that fires a short-range beam and can also launch explosive charges for splash damage.
- Particle Barrier: A personal shield that absorbs incoming damage, increasing Zarya’s energy and enhancing her Particle Cannon.
- Projected Barrier: Provides an energy shield to a teammate, boosting both their protection and Zarya's weapon power.
- Energy: Zarya's energy increases with absorbed damage, enhancing her Particle Cannon's damage output.
- Graviton Surge: A gravity bomb that traps enemies in a powerful gravitational field, dealing damage over time while they are pulled in.

- Orb of Destruction: Zenyatta fires energy orbs either individually or in rapid volleys for high damage.
- Orb of Harmony: A healing orb that restores health to a targeted ally as long as Zenyatta has line of sight.
- Orb of Discord: A debuff orb that increases the damage taken by a targeted enemy when Zenyatta has line of sight.
- Transcendence: Zenyatta enters a transcendent state, healing nearby allies while being immune to damage and moving faster.
Stay tuned for more Overwatch Classic content! We'll be here to update you on everything you need to know.