TFT Set 11: All Champions and Abilities List in Inkborn Fables

This is a comprehensive list breaking down every champion by cost alongside their iconic abilities.

TFT Set 11: All Champions and Abilities List in Inkborn Fables
Riot Games

Teamfight Tactics Set 11 "Inkborn Fables" introduces 59 new and returning champions to build innovative team comps around. With distinct spells and an array of traits, each champion caters to unique playstyles. We've compiled a comprehensive list breaking down all champions by cost alongside their iconic abilities in TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables.

Full List of Champions and Abilities in TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables

In Set 11 of Teamfight Tactics, titled "Inkborn Fables," players can build diverse team compositions with champions ranging from affordable one-cost to powerful five-cost units. This is a full list of all the champions and abilities that are currently available in Inkborn Fables:

One-Cost Champions in TFT Set 11

Thirteen budget one-cost champions establish early boards. Here is the list:

One-Cost Champions
Champion Abilities Traits Image
Ahri Love Bomb: Damage to target and adjacent enemies Arcanist, Fated Ahri TFT Set 11.png
Caitlyn Ace in the Hole: Long-range physical damage Ghostly, Sniper Caitlyn.png
Cho'Gath Eruption: Burns or wounds with a shield Behemoth, Mythic Cho'Gath.png
Darius Decimate: Magic damage and self-buff Duelist, Umbral Darius.png
Garen Courage: Shield and empowered attack Storyweaver, Warden Garen.png
Jax Counter-Strike: Stuns after defenses up Inkshadow, Warden Jax.png
Kha'Zix Leap: Dash to low health for damage Heavenly, Reaper Kha'Zix.png
Kobuko Money Dance: Gains healthor gold, empowered attack Bruiser, Fortune Kobuko.png
Kog'Maw Raining Artillery: Long-range magic damage Invoker, Mythic, Sniper Kog'Maw.png
Malphite Topaz Skin: Shield and cone attack Behemoth, Heavenly Malphite.png
Rek'Sai Uproot: Resists and damage or heal Bruiser, Dryad Rek'Sai.png
Sivir On The Hunt: Attack speed buff Storyweaver, Trickshot Sivir.png
Yasuo Steel Tempest: Shield and magic damage Duelist, Fated Yasuo.png



Two-Cost Champions in TFT Set 11

There are a total of 13 champions as well that are available in TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables. The 13 two-cost champions specialize in key roles are:

Two-Cost Champions
Champion Abilities Traits Image
Aatrox Phantom Blade: Shreds magic resist and heals Bruiser, Ghostly, Inkshadow Aatrox.png
Gnar Boulder Toss: Damage or disruption line Dryad, Warden Gnar.png
Janna Heavenly Winds: Shield allies and give damage Dragonlord, Invoker Janna.png
Kindred Flourish of Arrows: Dash and damage two targets Dryad, Fated, Reaper Kindred.png
Lux Bunny Binding: Projectile CC Arcanist, Porcelain Lux.png
Neeko Hop Blossom: Defense, heal, slam damage Arcanist, Heavenly, Mythic Neeko.png
Qiyana Supreme Display: Empowered attacks in a line Duelist, Heavenly Qiyana.png
Riven Broken Wings: Knocks away and damages Altruist, Bruiser, Storyweaver Riven.png
Senna Absolution: Long-range damage and buff Inkshadow, Sniper Senna.png
Shen Spirit's Refuge: Ally defense and self-empowerment Behemoth, Ghostly Shen.png
Teemo Dim-Sum Delivery: Single target poison Fortune, Trickshot Teemo.png
Yorick Dark Despoil: Health or damage siphon Behemoth, Umbral Yorick.png
Zyra Paper Thorns: Summons damaging plants Sage, Storyweaver Zyra.png

Three-Cost Champions in TFT Set 11

Next up are 12 three-cost champions, such as:

Three-Cost Champions
Champion Abilities Traits Image
Alune Lunar Barrage: Multi-target meteor shower Invoker, Umbral Alune.png
Amumu Herbal Tea-rs: Heal or damage tears around self Porcelain, Warden Amumu.png
Aphelios Duskwave: Magic damage waves Fated, Sniper Aphelios.png
Diana Purification Rites: Self-heal and empower attacks Dragonlord, Sage Diana.png
Illaoi Prophet of Spirits: Shield and damaging tentacle Arcanist, Ghostly, Warden Illaoi.png
Soraka Divine Judgement: Strips mana and magic damage Altruist, Heavenly Soraka.png
Tahm Kench Tongue Lash: Shield and damage Bruiser, Mythic Tahm Kench.png
Thresh Guided Passage: Transfer stats to ally Behemoth, Fated Thresh.png
Tristana Firecracker Frenzy: Dash explosion Duelist, Fortune Tristana.png
Volibear Ink Smash: Empowered attacks Duelist, Inkshadow Volibear.png
Yone Fate Sealed: Dash through enemies with debuff Reaper, Umbral Yone.png
Zoe Calculated: Missile bounces between targets Arcanist, Fortune, Storyweaver Zoe.png



Four-Cost Champions in TFT Set 11

In Four-Cost champions list, there are only 12 champions available as well. These twelve four-cost champions bring elite skills like:

Four-Cost Champions
Champion Abilities Traits Image
Annie Get'em Tibbers: AoE stun/damage zone Fortune, Invoker Annie.png
Ashe Rain of Shards: Multi arrow physical damage volleys Porcelain, Sniper Ashe.png
Galio Savior's Protection: Taunt and shield allies Bruiser, Storyweaver Galio.png
Kai'Sa Inkstorm: Rapid missiles from multiple angles Inkshadow, Trickshot Kai'Sa.png
Kayn Shadow Assassin: Transform and damage around self Ghostly, Reaper Kayn.png
Lee Sin Dragon's Dance: Displace and vulnerable enemy champion Dragonlord, Duelist Lee Sin.png
Lillia Eep!: Rolling orb magic damage zones Invoker, Mythic Lillia.png
Morgana The Tempest's Torment: Blizzard zone of magic damage/CC Ghostly, Sage Morgana.png
Nautilus Depth Charge: Multi-target knock-up waves Mythic, Warden Nautilus.png
Ornn Forge of the Forest: Shield then channel damage Behemoth, Dryad Ornn.png
Sylas Unchain the Demon: Dash through enemies with swiping strikes Bruiser, Umbral Sylas.png
Syndra Phantom Butterflies: Damage over time from orbiting orbs Arcanist, Fated Syndra.png

Five-Cost Champions in TFT Set 11

Last but not least, nine legendary five-costs stand above the rest in TFT Set 11:

Five-Cost Champions
Champion Abilities Traits Image
Azir Abilities pending Dryad, Invoker Azir.png
Hwei A Brush with Fate: Paint zones heal/damage Artist, Mythic Hwei.png
Irelia Blade Dance: Projectiles strike low health enemies Duelist, Storyweaver Irelia.png
Lissandra Let'em Brew: Single target damage/CC tea infuser Arcanist, Porcelain Lissandra.png
Rakan Grand Entrance: AoE engage/CC Altruist, Dragonlord, Lovers Rakan.png
Sett Light and Shadow: Slam sends enemies flying Fated, Umbral, Warden Sett.png
Udyr Stance swapping: Fire cone and shredder modes Behemoth, Inkshadow, Spirit, Walker Udyr.png
WuKong Legendary Prowess: Cycles-empowered attacks Great Sage, Heavenly WuKong.png
Xayah/Rakan Dynamic Duo: Feather barrage and AoE damage/disruption Dragonlord, Trickshot, Lovers Xayah and Rakan.png

With 59 champions spanning distinct themes and costs, Inkborn Fables enables enormously varied team compositions in Teamfight Tactics Set 11. Try out daring legendaries like Azir or flexible low-costs like Rek'Sai and Zyra as you explore fresh strategic possibilities!
