TRIBE NINE: Yo Kuronaka Skills Guide

This guide will show you all of the skills for the character Yo Kuronaka in TRIBE NINE.

TRIBE NINE: Yo Kuronaka Skills Guide
Akatsuki Games

Yo Kuronaka is one of the playable characters for TRIBE NINE. He is the main protagonist and the first character you get in the game. Yo Kuronaka is a unit that focuses on dealing damage while also quickly breaking enemies. Below you can find a full breakdown of Yo Kuronaka’s skills.

Yo Kuronaka Character Info

Yo Kuronaka Name Yo Kuronaka
HP 1454
Attack 300
Defense 298
Note: All stats are for Level 50



Yo Kuronaka Skills

Type Icon Name
Basic Line Drive Line Drive
  • Primary Attack
    • Perform up to 3 stages of Melle Attack.
  • Secondary Attack
    • Track and approach the target to perform attacks.
    • After the attack hits, grant oneself [Burst Drive] for a certain period of time.
  • Counterattack
    • Perform a Deflect Counterattack.
    • When executing Counterattack successfully, limit enemy actions by using attacks that will make the enemy lose their balance more easily.
    • Unable to defense against non-physical attacks.
Strategy Skill Hitting Stride Hitting Stride
  • Can be executed when under [Burst Drive].
  • Track and approach the target to perform a cross slash.
  • Make the enemy lose their balance more easily.
Ultimate Skill Grand Slam Grand Slam
  • Perform a lunging attack with multiple hits towards the target.
Chain Skill Pinch Hitter Pinch Hitter
  • Can be triggered when inflicting Break on the enemy.
  • Perform a follow-up attack towards the target.
Overdrive Overdrive Overdrive
  • More likely to hit the ball far out, and more likely to win a bout on base.
  • Additionally, obtain [Breakthrough Factor].
Burst Drive
  • Expand the bat.
  • [Hitting Stride] can be executed.
  • After a certain period of time or when [Hitting Stride] is executed, this effect will be removed.
