We already introduced the new VALORANT agent Waylay. However, what you might have noticed is the brand-new status effect that comes with her —Hindering. This debuff, exclusive to Waylay, will surely shake up the meta. Here's what you need to know about Hindering.
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What is Hindering in VALORANT?

Hindering is a new negative status effect available only while playing Waylay, the new VALORANT agent. Once inflicted, the affected player experiences several debuffs that make performance worse. Quite a tool! Unlike other status effects such as Concuss, which primarily disrupts aim and movement, Hindering weakens multiple aspects of a player’s ability to fight and maneuver.
Effects of Hindering
So, what does this debuff do exactly? When hit by an ability that applies Hindering, a player will experience slowed:
- Fire Rate – Reducing the speed at which weapons can shoot.
- Recoil Recovery – Making weapon spray harder to control.
- Equip Time – Slowing down the switch between weapons.
- Reload Speed – Increasing the time needed to reload.
- Movement Speed – Reducing mobility, making dodging and repositioning harder.
- Jump Speed – Limiting aerial movement, making it harder to escape or take off-angle fights.
Waylay will definitely be a menace with this debuff. We wonder how this will work in the current meta.
How to Apply Hindering?

Currently, Waylay is the only agent in VALORANT capable of using Hindering. This debuff is exclusive to her. The new agent's kit includes two abilities that apply the debuff:
Saturate (C) – Throws a cluster of light that explodes on impact, Hindering enemies in the area.
Convergent Paths (X - Ultimate) – Projects a growing beam of light that applies Hindering to all players caught in its range.
Unlike flashes or concuss effects that force movement or repositioning, Hindering keeps enemies locked in place by making them slower and limiting their ability to react effectively. Check out the article about Waylay's abilities here.
Final Thoughts
Hindering introduces a new layer of drama and action to VALORANT's battles. By reducing an enemy’s ability to fight effectively, it rewards aggressive playstyles while offering a new way to counter mobile duelists. Will Waylay be available to shake up the meta? We'll see soon, as the agent will be released in VALORANT on March 5, 2025.