Valorant New Agent Iso - All Abilities & Gameplay

We will go over the new agent for Episode 7 Act 3 of Valorant - Iso. 

Valorant New Agent Iso - All Abilities & Gameplay
Riot Games

Episode 7 Act 3 is going to be the biggest one we've seen this year. The addition of the new agent Iso, known as Agent 24, is a much-needed tweak to the current stale meta. And honestly, he seems incredibly broken. If you're looking to jump back into the game or start fresh, getting a new Valorant account could be a great way to experience these changes. Watch the Iso Official Trailer Here.

Valorant game designer Nicholas Smith described the new agent Iso as a "Juggernaut":

We had a few outputs we wanted to avoid, specifically mobility and healing. It’s why we created the shield and that he’d run a team through and keep on going without mobility or healing.



Iso Abilities 

  • E - Double Tap
    • START a focus timer. Once completed, enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage generate an energy orb. Shooting this orb grants you a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source.

An orb will spawn, and you have to shoot the orb.

  • Q - Undercut
    • Throw a molecular bolt that can pass through walls and other solid objects to catch enemies behind obstacles. When the bolt touches a player, the FRAGILE status will be applied to them.

Almost like an Omen Paranoia. It goes through, and whoever it touches, they get "Fragile"



  • C - Contingency
    • Assemble prismatic energy that can be fired as an indestructible wall of energy that blocks bullets. (Shield Wall)

Almost identical to Harbor's wall. It blocks bullets. You can't position it (it keeps moving), but it's a great way of giving yourself cover when entering sites and making space for your teammates.


  • X (Ultimate) - Kill Contract
    • EQUIP an interdimensional arena. FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.

It's a straight-up 1v1. Both players are at 150hp and the duel lasts 50 seconds. If neither player dies in 50 seconds, both players die automatically.





Iso Gameplay

The new Duelist Iso seems quite overpowered. Make sure to watch this exclusive Iso gameplay from today's Riot event.


Iso Sheriff

Riot also has some special skins planned for Iso. Here's the new Sheriff.

