WoW Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Feb 21, 2025

We will go over the most recent World of Warcraft SoD Phase 7 changes.

WoW Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Feb 21, 2025
Blizzard Entertainment

With the final phase of Season of Discovery live, players are busy clearing the final Raid in Vanilla WoW as well as giving Naxxramas a try with the new added difficulty for those hardcore players.

With that being said, we will go over all of the recent hotfixes for WoW SoD Phase 7.



Season of Discovery Hotfixes

SoD Hotfixes
Blizzard Entertainment
  • Soul shoulder enchants are now stackable up to 20. Once purchased, these cannot be refunded.
  • Wartorn Undermine Supply Crates now contain about twice as many Wartorn Scraps as before.
  • Undead Slaying set bonuses now activate at 2 pieces (was 3).

Karazhan Crypts

  • Added a chance for Kharon and the Dark Rider to drop the neck piece from the apprentice you did NOT unlock.

Developers' notes: For example, if you release Kaigy Maryla, Kharon now has a chance to drop Sairuh's Collar, and the Dark Rider now has a chance to drop Barian's Choker. We are aware you can summon the Dark Rider before releasing an apprentice. If this happens, the Dark Rider does not have an additional drop chance.


  • The exit portal that spawns in Sapphiron's room after the boss has been defeated will now persist after players leave and soft reset the instance.
  • The gates blocking entrance into the various wings of Naxxramas will now stay open forever if Kel'Thuzad has been defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where the number of bosses killed on the hardest difficulty weren’t tracking properly if you soft reset your raid after killing Four Horsemen.
    • Raid groups in a bugged state will be able to fight Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad on their hard-mode difficulties after soft resetting their instances.
  • The Spore Buff on Loatheb will no longer count towards the Dance of the Wicked dodge chance.
  • The Spore Buff on Loatheb will no longer count towards the Elemental Shaman Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 3-piece bonus, the Retribution Paladin T3 6-piece bonus, or the Shadow Priest T3 6-piece bonus for the purposes of increasing damage.
  • Sapphiron's Glacial Crash now correctly splits its damage amongst players, no longer benefits from the player's % damage modifiers, and Glacial Crash damage has been increased to the correct amount without accounting for player % damage modifiers.




  • The Restoration T3 6-piece set bonus will now correctly work against Sapphiron's Frost Aura ticks
  • The Feral damage T3 2-piece bonus now mentions in its tooltip that it will not be effective against players.














  • Fresh Meat will now correctly have a 100% chance to proc on an encounter after a wipe.
  • Fresh Meat will now correctly have a 100% chance to proc against a target in PvP if the target player leaves combat with the Warrior.
  • Revenge attack power multiplier increased by 25% (was 15%).

And that covers all of the changes as listed, here. Hopefully Blizzard does not abandon Season of Discovery but rather further innovate and integrate new and fun ways to enjoy World of Warcraft.




World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Released in 2004, the game is set in the high-fantasy world of Azeroth, where players create characters and embark on quests, battle monsters, and interact with other players. WoW features a vast, open world filled with diverse regions, dungeons, and raids. The game includes various classes and races, each with unique abilities and playstyles. World of Warcraft is known for its deep lore, engaging gameplay, and vibrant community. The game receives regular updates and expansions, introducing new content, storylines, and gameplay mechanics.

Release Date
Nov 23, 2004
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
ESRB Rating