The end of Season of Discovery is approaching and with just two phases left for players to try out, it seems that the WoW Classic devs will have a lot to go over in terms of the failures and successes of this experiment.
Although Season of Discovery was met with great excitement, near the 4th phase, the community seemed to die down, given the myriad of untested features, bugs, and the age-old 'exploit early, exploit often' that has been quite the setback for most players' enjoyment. Having that in mind, we will go over the sneak peek for the final World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase
WoW SoD Phase 7 New Instances

Following the progression from the Blackfathom Deeps raid to the final Naxxramas raid, players got to experience a lot of new and fun ways to play their classes, do PvP in Stranglethorn Vale, and even find secrets scattered across Azeroth. Now, the dev team is looking to wrap it all up with some exciting new content.
Although we only got to see a small fraction of what's to come, players will be able to adventure in Deadwind Pass with what seems like a new instance as shown in the Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct stream. Some are already speculating that we will get to see Karazhan as a fully-fledged raid, whilst others remain more skeptical and believe that it will most likely be a new dungeon.
World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Final Phase

The Scarlet Crusade will also get its piece of instanced content, as the teaser showcased what seems like a final boss to either a possible raid or world boss. Nonetheless, players have mixed feelings towards to the end of Season of Discovery, with some being disappointed as to how small the scale of the project was, while others showed appreciation for the small WoW Classic team putting in the work and love for this now 20-year-old MMORPG.
Despite SoD having its ups and downs, we can certainly assume that Blizzard Entertainment was able to see just how much the players yearn for a Classic+ experience, which should ideally utilize brand-new races, zones, abilities, and more, instead of rehashing retail mechanics and concepts into Vanilla WoW.
In the end, World of Warcraft has seen many pitfalls, but given the recent changes to its management and leadership, we might see a new golden era of WoW on the horizon. You can also check out our other Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct articles, here:
- WoW Classic New Servers Release Date and Details
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