For those players trying their best to clear the first raid of The War Within on Mythic, Blizzard announced some heavy nerfs to the final boss Queen Ansurek. With the race to World First long completed, the devs have been slowly implementing adjustments to the overall raid difficulty as more and more guilds strive to clear all the bosses on Mythic.
Having that in mind, we will take a look at all of the balance changes to the final boss encounter in the World of Warcraft Nerub-ar Palace raid.
Mythic Ansurek Nerfs

Here are all of the adjustments made to Queen Ansurek on Mythic difficulty:
- Number of targets reduced to 3 (was 4).
- Grasping Silk damage reduced by 25%.
Phase 1:
- Number of Reactive Toxins applied per cycle no longer increases beyond 3 (was up to 4).
- Removed second Silken Tomb cast from final cycle of the phase, and adjusted the timings of other abilities in this final cycle to accommodate this change.
- Silken Tomb health reduced by 30%.
- Frothy Toxin damage reduced by 23%.
Phase 2:
- Shadowy Distortion duration reduced to 30 seconds (was 3 minutes).
- Gloom Blast damage reduced by 20%.
Phase 3:
- Number of Summoned Acolytes per cycle no longer increases beyond 4 (was up to 5).
- Removed the first cast of Royal Condemnation from the final cycle of the phase, and adjusted the timings of some other abilities in this final cycle to accommodate this change.
- Removed Web Blades casts that overlapped with applications of Abyssal Infusion.
Mythic Nerub-ar Palace

Although these nerfs are a welcome change given how difficult it has been for guilds to defeat Ansurek on Mythic. A part of the community has been on Blizzard's tail, given how overturned the raid seemed at first, only for the devs to knock down the difficulty once the race was over.
This has led to a discussion on whether there should be a separate raid difficulty for those hardcore guilds wanting to achieve world first, but ultimately, these changes should lead to more players claiming the glory of killing Queen Ansurek on Mythic.
Nevertheless, the expansion as a whole has been met with a lot of criticism, as The War Within has been dubbed the bug expansion, quite literally. Hopefully the next raid tier will be far better in terms of mechanics, gameplay, and difficulty. We can possibly expect more tweaks in the near future, depending on how many players are able to make it through. Having that in mind, make sure to check out the official notes, here as well.