Wowhead has already uncovered a lot of new content coming to the next patch for World of Warcraft The War Within. Among the plethora of goodies, it seems that we will be getting a ton of new mounts for Patch 11.1.5.
Without further ado, let's take a look at some of the mounts players will be getting in the next update for The War Within.
Table of Contents
Dastardly Duos Mounts

- Description: Vinnie Sweets kept this rare, albino turtle a secret, saving until it was time to help promote Dastardly Duos.
- Source: Achievement: Another Amazing Week!
- Event: Dastardly Duos
Nightfall Scenarios
Radiant Imperial Lynx

- Description: The Radiant Imperial Lynx embodies the ongoing strength and courage it takes to chase back the darkness. They hoist us up so that we may hold our torches high for all who seek refuge from the encroaching darkness.
- Source: Vendor: Lars Bronsmaelt
- Zone: Hallowfall
Void-Scarred Lynx

- Description: Taming lynxes is a practice that the Arathi have honed for years. While the Nightfall cultists remain devoted to their cause, they are still ones for passing that tradition along.
- Source: Drop: Confiscated Cultist's Bag
Fire Chimeras
Lavaborn Azure Chimaera

- Source: Trading Post
Lavaborn Citrine Chimaera

- Source: Trading Post
Lavaborn Emerald Chimaera

- Source: Trading Post
Lavaborn Ruby Chimaera

- Source: Trading Post
Jewelcrafting Panther
Void-Crystal Panther

- Description: Void energies corrupted many precious gems and materials within the horrific versions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Master Jewelcrafters were able to shape these gems into panthers just as other masters had done on the Broken Isles.
- Source: Profession: Jewelcrafting
Horrific Visions Revisited
Corruption of the Aspects

- Description: With N'zoth's triumph what started with Galakrond comes to fruition and with the aspects gone the corruption of their species is complete.
- Source: Vendor: Augermu
- Zone: Dornogal
- Cost: 100000 Displaced Corrupted Mementos
Nesting Swarmite

- Description: Burrowers by nature they often lurk in small animal warrens when laying eggs or lying in wait to surprise larger prey.
- Source: Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)
- Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
Ny'alothan Shadow Worm

- Description: A remnant of the Black Empire's past, these precursors of the abyss worms are once again resurging with the rise of Ny'alotha.
- Source: Achievement: Mastering the Visions
- Category: Visions of N'Zoth Revisited
Voidfire Deathcycle

- Description: The prized possession of Haymar the devout. Unclear if he would be anything if not for his epic void bike. Formerly assigned to patrolling the streets of Stormwind after its fall.
- Source: Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)
- Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
Void-Scarred Gryphon

- Description: Abandoned by its trainers the Void-Scarred Gryphon scrounged on any scrap of food that remained, most corrupted by the void. With the void now sustaining them, they only land when their fickle tastes are satisfied by untainted food that they just remember enjoying.
- Source: Drop: Void-Scarred Gryphon
- Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)
Void-Scarred Pack Mother

- Description: Fighting her corrupted handlers this pack mother freed herself and her pups. However, freedom from their handlers did not free them from the void in this lost place. She taught her pups to be even more dangerous beasts, and they now stalk throughout Orgrimmar fetching her food as all compete to survive.
- Source: Drop: Void-Scarred Pack Mother
- Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
Void-Forged Stallion

- Description: Forged just as their shoes once were, these beasts are less horses now and void energy in their likeness.
- Source: Drop: Void-Forged Stallion
- Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)
Void-Scarred Windrider

- Description: When the void energies were released, it drove most windriders feral. They killed each other and their trainers. The gates to their roost were locked by the survivors. Some surviving windrider's can still be seen gliding above, but none dare return to their new deadly domain to see what remains.
- Source: Drop: Void-Scarred Windrider
- Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
Trading Post Mounts
Brown-Furred Spiky Bakar

- Description: Such a good boy. Or girl. It's hard to tell sometimes. Always good though.
- Source: Trading Post
Summer Harvesthog

- Description: The Summer Harvesthog enjoys laying out in the sun or going for a swim in a clear lake. They are excellent at foraging for food, but need to be coaxed into it.
- Source: Trading Post
Autumn Harvesthog

- Description: Autumn Harvesthogs excel in snuffling for food in the cooler months. Their keen sense of smell makes them excellent companions for a forrest forage, but difficult to control in aromatic settings.
- Source: Trading Post
Winter Harvesthog

- Description: Winter Harvesthogs are primarily nocturnal creatures. They are slightly slower than other harvesthogs, but their endurance is unmatched.
- Source: Trading Post
Spring Harvesthog

- Description: The Spring Harvesthog is at it's most energetic in the early morning. It will spend most of it's day snuffling for food or bellowing out calls for other harvesthogs.
- Source: Trading Post
Spotted Black Riding Goat

- Source: Trading Post
And that covers all of the mounts that have been datamined so far by the Wowhead team. As with every new PTR build, not all of the mounts shown here might make it into the next patch, but the hedgehog mounts are so adorable not to have them in World of Warcraft.