With the new The War Within "Undermine(d)" hitting live servers, Blizzard has posted some very significant patch notes, detailing all of the changes, additions and quality-of-life adjustments to World of Warcraft.
With that being said, we will take a look at all of the changes to Delves for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date and make use of the new gearing up options, try out the new Brann role or just start grinding for those rewards.
Table of Contents
The War Within Delve Changes

- New variants to almost all of the War Within delves, with the majority of them being goblin-themed.
- Delver's Journey has been updated with new rewards for Season 2.
Brann Bronzebeard
Brann now specializes in an additional role: Tank
Developers' notes: We're aiming to make healing a more viable and engaging option for soloing Delves.
- Brann relies on his allies, scavenged advanced technology, and his trusty shotgun to charge into the front lines.
- Pistol Shot – Brann pulls out his pistol and quickly shoots his enemy.
- Shield Bash – Brann bashes enemies in front with a shield.
- Boomstick Blitz – Brann uses his shotgun to blast his enemies.
- Veteran of Ironforge – Brann wields a pistol, and a shield that wears in battle, providing damage reduction per stack. As the shields gets damaged, Brann's survival instincts kick in, increasing his damage dealt, and when the shield gets worn-out, he switches to his trusty shotgun.
- Bronzebeard's Brown Bear – Brann summons the family bear, which charges into battle, launching enemies up into the air. The bear then prepares for a series of massive stomps, dealing damage, forming an area that increases dodge chance, and increasing maximum health.
- Electro-Charged Gadgets – Brann's equipment is enhanced with cutting-edge tech upgrades.
- Electro-Charged Shield – Effective healing done to Brann pulsates as Nature damage to nearby enemies.
- Electro-Charged Pistol – Each shot discharges and electrical current, arcing through nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed. Healing Brann super-charges his pistol to deal more damage.
- Electro-Charged Shotgun – Each enemy hit has a chance to be knocked down. Healing Brann super-charges his shotgun to deal more damage.
- Neat Rope Trick – When an enemy attacks a player, Brann throws his trusty lasso, pulling the enemy back to him. The same enemy cannot be lassoed more than once within 10 seconds.
- Sentry Totem – Brann deploys an electrifying totem, nullifying up to 3 harmful spells and boosting combat capabilities of allies within the area.
- Grand Brann Slam – Brann leaps into battle with concussive force, dealing damage and taunting enemies nearby.
- Lightning Link – Brann generates an electro link that transfers damage done to nearby allies to himself.
- Explorer's Survival Journal (Paragon Ability) – Brann's combat mastery grants him increased maximum health and healing received.
- Dwarven Medicine will now grant 15% damage reduction for 12 seconds.
- Dwarven Medicine healing over time effect is increased by 50%.
- Steel Traps will now increase the damage the target takes by 20% for 12 seconds.
- Healer Brann now has reduced threat generation.
- An issue with Brann's Epic Egg not summoning a devilsaur has been resolved.
Loot and Difficulty

- During Season 2, complete Tier 11 bountiful delves to earn Gilded Undermine Crests up to 3 times a week.
- Difficulty levels of tiers 9, 10, and 11 have been lowered in Season 2.
Developers' notes: In season 1, tiers above 8 were meant purely for players who wanted a challenge. Now that we have more desirable rewards such as Gilded Crests on bountiful tier 11, we wanted to review the difficulty levels of these tiers along with our philosophy behind them. We had previously balanced them with the thought that tier 11 would be a challenge for all players in the game, even up to the high mythic levels. In season 2 we are changing our philosophy for tier 11 to be the highest challenge for delve players, which means it is balanced around what fully upgraded gear players can get within the delve ecosystem as opposed to the entire game.
- Delver's Bounty maps now reward gear with the item level of the tier that the map is completed in, instead of being tied to a specific delve tier.
- Delver's Bounty drop rate increased and are now obtainable once per week in Bountiful Delves.
And that covers the most important tidbits of the new Delves available in patch 11.1. Best of luck on your runs, and remember to have fun in this new goblin-themed adventure.