With the new The War Within "Undermine(d)" patch coming to live servers, Blizzard has posted some very significant patch notes, detailing all of the changes, additions and quality-of-life adjustments to World of Warcraft.
With that being said, we will take a look at all of the Druid changes for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date with your favorite class and better navigate the very exciting Season 2 full of new content you can explore and participate in.
Table of Contents
Druid 11.1 PvE Changes

- New Talent: Grievous Wounds – Rake, Rip, and Thrash damage increased by 10%.
- New Talent: Gale Winds – Increases Typhoon's radius by 20% and its range by 5 yards.
- New Talent: Incessant Tempest – Reduces the cooldown of Typhoon by 5 seconds.
- New Talent: Circle of the Wild – Physical damage dealt by your abilities increased by 5% (25% for Restoration Druids).
- New Talent: Circle of the Heavens – Magical damage dealt by your spells increased by 5% (25% for Restoration Druids).
- New Talent: Lycara's Meditation – You retain Lycara's Teachings' bonus from your most recent shapeshift form for 5 seconds after shifting out of it.
Developers’ notes: Lycara’s Meditation is meant to retain some power when you shapeshift. It is not intended as a buff you would want to always maintain, and since Druids can swap into humanoid form instantly at no cost, the humanoid form bonus is not retained. Druids must also stay in Cat Form for 2 seconds to retain the Cat Form bonus if they entered Cat Form by casting Skull Bash with Fluid Form.
- New Talent: Symbiotic Relationship – Form a bond with an ally. Your self-healing also heals your bonded ally for 10% of the amount healed. Your healing to your bonded ally also heals you for 8% of the amount healed.
- New Talent: Aessina's Renewal – When a hit deals more than 12% of your maximum health, instantly heal for 10% of your health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
- New Talent: Perfectly-Honed Instincts – Well-Honed Instincts can trigger up to once every 90 seconds.
- Ursoc's Spirit has been updated – Stamina increased by 4%. Stamina in Bear Form increased by an additional 5%.
Developers' notes: These bonuses multiply together, so Druids' health in Bear Form remains unchanged.
- Light of the Sun replaces Skull Bash for Balance Druids only – The remaining cooldown of Solar Beam is reduced by 15 seconds when it interrupts its primary target.
- Improved Rejuvenation has been changed to Lingering Healing – Rejuvenation's duration is increased by 3 seconds. Regrowth's duration is increased by 3 seconds when cast on yourself.
- Instincts of the Claw is now a 1-point talent (was 2) and has been updated – Ferocious Bite and Maul damage increased by 8%.
- Lore of the Grove is now a 1-point talent (was 2) and has been updated – Moonfire and Sunfire damage increased by 10%.
- Fluid Form has been updated – Skull Bash can now be used in any form and shifts you into Cat Form if necessary.
- Fluid Form causes Wrath and Starfire to transform you into Moonkin Form at the end of their casts, instead of at their starts.
Developers' notes: It should always take a global cooldown to transform to a shapeshift form, either from a direct transformation or a Fluid Form ability. Starting a Wrath or Starfire cast and cancelling it allowed Druids to transform into Moonkin without a global cooldown.
- Moonkin Form has been added to the Class talent tree in Sunfire’s previous position.
Developers' notes: Restoring Moonkin Form to the class talent tree empowers Restoration Druids to use Convoke the Spirits for magic damage, like they can currently use Cat Form for physical damage.
- Rejuvenation healing increased by 5%.
- Wild Growth healing increased by 5%.
- Rip damage reduced by 9%.
- Shred damage increased by 10%.
- Swipe damage increased by 10%.
- Ferocious Bite damage reduced by 8%.
- Cyclone duration is now 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Improved Sunfire’s effect is now included in Sunfire.
- Incapacitating Roar now breaks based on a small damage threshold instead of any damage.
- Many talents have changed positions in the class tree.
- Rising Light, Falling Night has been removed.

Druid of the Claw
- Ravage damage reduced by 8%.

- Balance Druids now learn Moonkin Form in the Class talent tree upon reaching level 10.
- Light of the Sun has been moved to the Class Talent Tree for Balance Druids.
- Power of Goldrinn damage increased by 100%.
- Starsurge damage increased by 5%.
- Touch the Cosmos chances increased to 18% from Wrath (was 15%) and 25% for Starfire (was 22%).

- Feral Druids now learn Thrash in the Class talent tree upon reaching level 10.
- All ability damage increased by 8%.
- Melee auto-attack damage increased by 25%.
- Adaptive Swarm damage over time increased by 25%.
- Brutal Slash damage increased by 10%.
- Killer Instinct no longer increases damage dealt by Moonfire cast with Lunar Inspiration.
- Bursting Growth damage increased 20%.

- New Talent: Ursol’s Warding – Gain magical damage reduction equal to 5/10% of your damage reduction from armor.
- Reinvigoration has been updated – Frenzied Regeneration heals over 1/2 additional seconds, and casts Rejuvenation and Regrowth on you at 100/200% effectiveness.
- Raze has been updated – Strike with the might of Ursoc, dealing Physical damage to your target and to all other enemies in front of you. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
Developers' notes: This change causes Raze to always deal increased damage to the primary target, even if other targets exist.
- Guardian Druids now learn Verdant Heart in the Class talent tree upon reaching level 10.
- All ability damage increased by 26%.
Developers' notes: We have noticed damage dealt by tanks has not been keeping pace with damage dealers, we are adjusting damage of all tank specs to bring them into a closer alignment with DPS specs.
- Moonfire damage increased by 20%.
- Mangle damage increased by 10%.
- Maul damage reduced by 8%.
- Raze damage reduced by 8%.
- Raze now replaces Maul.
- Layered Mane has been removed.
Elune's Chosen
- Fury of Elune damage increased by 80%.

- Restoration Druids now learn Improved Nature's Cure in the Class talent tree upon reaching level 10.
- Mastery: Harmony effectiveness increased by 45%. Now reduces its bonus with each additional heal over time effect.
Developers' notes: This update to Mastery: Harmony is intended to reward more heavily the first few heal over time effects applied to allies while tempering the scaling at large heal over time counts. This scaling will still always make it a bonus to have additional heal over time effects on targets.
- All damage reduced by 20%.
Developers' notes: This damage reduction keeps Restoration Druid’s physical or magic damage dealt equivalent to previous updates when selecting the Circle of the Wilds or Circle of the Heavens talents. We are making this change with the goal of moving Restoration Druids towards utilizing either their damaging physical abilities or magic spells instead of weaving between them both in order to reduce the damage rotation complexity.
- Tranquility channel time reduced to base 5 seconds (was 8 seconds). Total healing unchanged.
- Nature’s Swiftness now increases the healing of Regrowth by 200% (was 100%).
- Flourish now causes an initial heal effect on affected allies, split evenly among them.
- Master Shapeshifter now refunds 30% less mana from caster form spells.
Druid 11.1 PvP Changes

- Thorns (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Now a passive that activates when you cast Barkskin or Ironbark.

- King of the Jungle (PvP Talent) has been removed.

- New PvP Talent: Ancient of Lore – Shapeshift into an Ancient of Lore for 12 seconds, preventing all crowd control effects, reducing damage taken by 20%, and granting you access to Blossom Burst and Mass Blooming. Reduced movement speed and replaces Incarnation: Tree of Life. 1.5 minute cooldown.
- Blossom Burst – Heals an ally and applies 1 missing heal over time effect. If all of them are present, Blossom Burst critically heals.
- Mass Blooming – Heals 5 allies and applies 1 missing heal over time effect.
- New PvP Talent: Forest Guardian – Wrath, Starfire, Cyclone, and Combo-Point generating abilities extend the duration of your active heal over time effects by 1 second on up to 3 allies. Starsurge and Combo-Point spending abilities increase the rate of your heal over time spells by 25% for 4 seconds.
- Mastery: Harmony’s effectiveness is no longer reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
- Lifebloom’s healing has been increased by 15% in PvP combat.
- Tranquility healing increased by 100% in PvP combat.
- The following PvP talents have been removed:
And that covers all of the listed Druid class changes for World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.1. You can check out the full list of changes in the official patch notes, here.