With the new The War Within "Undermine(d)" patch coming to live servers, Blizzard has posted some very significant patch notes, detailing all of the changes, additions and quality-of-life adjustments to World of Warcraft.
With that being said, we will take a look at all of the Evoker changes for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date with your favorite class and better navigate the very exciting Season 2 full of new content you can explore and participate in.
Table of Contents
Evoker 11.1 PvE Changes

- Rescue now clears movement impairing effects from you and your target.
- Sleep Walk now has a 1.7 second cast time (was 1.5 seconds).
- Disintegrate now displays a more subtle visual when viewed by allies in raids and dungeons.

Developers' notes: We’re looking to improve some of the weaker talents for Flameshaper and enable them to be more effective in dungeon content. Instead of increasing duration and spreading Fire Breath and Dream Breath, Flameshapers can now cast Fire Breath and Dream Breath more often, and have them deal more damage/healing in a compressed window of time. In addition, we’re adding a way to opt out of Enkindle so that Echo builds can function better with Flameshaper.
- New Talent: Fulminous Roar – Fire Breath and Dream Breath deal their damage and healing in 20% less time.
- Traveling Flame renamed to Flame Siphon and has been redesigned – No longer increases Dream Breath or Fire Breath duration and spreads. Instead, reduces the cooldown of Fire Breath or Dream Breath by 6 seconds when you cast Engulf.
- Engulf cooldown reduced to 27 seconds (was 30 seconds) and is now reduced by Haste.
- Titanic Precision no longer references Reversion critically striking for Preservation, as it cannot critically heal on application.
- Conduit of Flame Critical Strike chance increased to 15% (was 10%). Now correctly specifies that it increases critical strike chance above 50% health for Preservation.
- Consume Flame now consumes 2 seconds of Fire Breath and Dream Breath (was 4 seconds). Consume Flame damage is now 900% of the amount consumed (was 375%) and healing is now 300% of the amount consumed (was 150%).
- Consume Flame damage is now increased by Scorching Embers.
- Consume Flame will now properly have its radius increased when striking larger enemies.
- Draconic Instincts chance to trigger from smaller damage events has been significantly increased.
- Expanded Lungs increases the damage or healing over time of Fire Breath and Dream Breath by 30% (was 25%).
- Expanded Lungs is now a choice talent against Enkindle.
- Fixed an issue where Engulf’s damage was being increased by damage over time effects from other Evokers.
- Fan the Flames has been removed.

- New Talent: Rockfall – Upheaval reaches maximum empower level 20% faster and has a 60% chance to grant Essence Burst.
- Close as Clutchmates has been re-added – Ebon Might and Breath of Eons are now 10% more effective outside of raid.
Developers' notes: The following change is intended to reduce the defensive power of Augmentation in dungeons. Augmentation has consistently been overperforming in pushing high keys, so we’re making Ebon Might only apply to damage dealers. At the same time, we’re increasing Ebon Might’s effectiveness so that Augmentation’s damage throughput is increased to make up for the lost utility of buffing tanks and healers.
- Ebon Might no longer applies to tanks and healers.
- Motes of Possibility chance to trigger increased to 25% (was 15%).
- Rumbling Earth deals 30% of Upheaval's damage (was 50%).
- Breath of Eons now accumulates 8% of damage taken (was 10%).
- Shifting Sands Versatility effectiveness reduced by 20%.
- While in dungeons and raids, allies can no longer see additional Upheavals from Rumbling Earth.
- Seismic Slam talent has moved to PvP talents.

- New Talent: Azure Celerity – Disintegrate ticks 1 additional time, but deals 10% less damage.
- All spell and ability damage increased by 10%.
- Fire Breath’s damage over time increased by 15%.
- Eternity Surge damage increased by 20%.
- Eternity Surge now targets enemies within a 25 yard radius around the Evoker (was a 12 yard radius around the target).
- Scintillation triggers Eternity Surge at 40% power (was 50%).
- Firestorm damage increased by 50% and duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Scorching Embers damage increase now scales with empower level, up to a maximum of 40%, similar to Molten Embers for Augmentation.
- Hoarded Power has been removed.

- Dream Breath now heals yourself and 5 injured allies (was 5 injured allies).
Developers' notes: This guarantees a Dream Breath heal over time effect will always be on yourself, so you never have to purposely miss allies with the breath cone.
- Dream Breath and Reversion no longer snapshot with Mastery: Life-binder. Instead, they will re-evaluate the Mastery bonus each time they tick based on the target’s current health and yours.
Developers' notes: Emerald Blossom has historically triggered Echo for consistency reasons, but this has made it difficult to weave these spells together effectively. We’re updating Echo to no longer trigger from Emerald Blossom so players who want to make use of Emerald Blossom can do so without “wasting” any active Echoes.
- Emerald Blossom may no longer be Echoed.
- Echo’s tooltip has been updated. It now states that Essence spells cannot be Echoed.
Evoker 11.1 PvP Changes

- Sleep Walk no longer has a cooldown.
- Dream Catcher (PvP Talent) has been removed.

- Consume Flame damage has been reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
- Engulf is now reduced by 70% in PvP combat (was 60%).

- New PvP Talent: Seismic Slam – Landslide causes enemies who are mid-air to be slammed to the ground, stunning them for 4 seconds and Landslide’s cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
- Dream Projection (PvP Talent) has been removed.

- Eternity Surge damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
And that covers all of the listed Evoker class changes for World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.1. You can check out the full list of changes in the official patch notes, here.