WoW TWW 11.1 All Monk Class Changes

We will go over the official World of Warcraft The War Within 11.1 Patch Notes for the Monk class.

WoW TWW 11.1 All Monk Class Changes
Blizzard Entertainment

With the new The War Within "Undermine(d)" patch coming to live servers, Blizzard has posted some very significant patch notes, detailing all of the changes, additions and quality-of-life adjustments to World of Warcraft.

With that being said, we will take a look at all of the Monk changes for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date with your favorite class and better navigate the very exciting Season 2 full of new content you can explore and participate in.



Monk 11.1 PvE Changes

WoW The War Within 11.1 Class Changes
Blizzard Entertainment
  • Paralysis now breaks based on a small damage threshold instead of any damage.


  • All ability damage increased by 15%.

Developers' notes: We have noticed damage dealt by tanks has not been keeping pace with damage dealers, we are adjusting damage of all tank specs to bring them into a closer alignment with DPS specs.

  • Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox now absorbs 40% of Staggered damage while active (was 25%).
  • Invoke Niuzao’s Stomp damage increased by 22%.
  • Purified Chi maximum stacks reduced to 6 (was 10) and now increases Celestial Brew's absorb amount by 35% per stack (was 20%).


Developers' notes: We’re making several updates to Mistweaver focused on smoothing out their healing output on varying target sizes and making it more obvious when to optimally use offensive spells.

Developers’ notes: These changes to Jade Bond are intended to refocus Chi-Ji into a powerful cooldown that encourages more intentional uses. We’re reducing the baseline cooldown of both Celestials to account for the loss of dynamic cooldown reduction and increasing the effectiveness of Chi Cocoons cast by longer cooldown Celestials to make intentional uses of this longer cooldown feel more immediately impactful.

Developers’ notes: We’re making a small adjustment to Lotus Infusion given that we’re expecting the upcoming class set to influence talent decisions around this talent node and we’d like Lotus Infusion to remain a viable, more passive option for those who prefer it.

Developers' notes: Teachings of the Monastery Blackout Kicks will continue to function to activate additional gusts but not from their cleave damage.

Conduit of the Celestials

Developers’ notes: The goal for this change is to reduce the amount of tracking required to optimally use Heart of the Jade Serpent.

Master of Harmony




  • New Talent: Slicing Winds – Envelop yourself in razor-sharp winds, then lunge forward dealing Nature damage to enemies in your path. Damage reduced beyond 5 enemies. Hold to increase lunge distance. Replaces Flying Serpent Kick.
  • Dance of the Wind has been redesigned – Now reduces physical damage taken by 10% and an additional 10% every 4 seconds until you receive a physical attack.
  • Mastery: Combo Strikes effectiveness increased by 35%.

Developers' notes: We’re increasing the value Mastery: Combo Strikes for Windwalker Monks with the goal of pushing it as a stat.

Conduit of the Celestials

Developers’ notes: We’d like to reduce the tracking required around Heart of the Jade Serpent as well as make it a more fundamental part of playing as a Conduit of the Celestial Monk.

Developers’ notes: We weren’t satisfied with the rotational outcome of this change and are reverting it.



Monk 11.1 PvP Changes

WoW TWW PvP Class Changes
Blizzard Entertainment
  • Absolute Serenity (PvP Talent) has been updated – Now prevents all crowd control (was incapacitate, disorient, snare, and root effects).






And that covers all of the listed Monk class changes for World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.1. You can check out the full list of changes in the official patch notes, here.




World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Released in 2004, the game is set in the high-fantasy world of Azeroth, where players create characters and embark on quests, battle monsters, and interact with other players. WoW features a vast, open world filled with diverse regions, dungeons, and raids. The game includes various classes and races, each with unique abilities and playstyles. World of Warcraft is known for its deep lore, engaging gameplay, and vibrant community. The game receives regular updates and expansions, introducing new content, storylines, and gameplay mechanics.

Release Date
Nov 23, 2004
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
ESRB Rating