WoW TWW 11.1 All Paladin Class Changes

We will go over the official World of Warcraft The War Within 11.1 Patch Notes for the Paladin class.

WoW TWW 11.1 All Paladin Class Changes
Blizzard Entertainment

With the new The War Within "Undermine(d)" patch coming to live servers, Blizzard has posted some very significant patch notes, detailing all of the changes, additions and quality-of-life adjustments to World of Warcraft.

With that being said, we will take a look at all of the Paladin changes for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date with your favorite class and better navigate the very exciting Season 2 full of new content you can explore and participate in.



Paladin 11.1 PvE Changes

WoW The War Within 11.1 Class Changes
Blizzard Entertainment
Herald of the Sun

Herald of the Sun

  • Dawnlight now prefers player targets over creatures/summons.




  • Empyrean Hammer now prefers player targets over creatures/summons.
  • The Hammer of Light implementation has been revamped to resolve issues such as casting delays, tuning difficulties, and the limited scalability of its infrastructure.
  • Hammer of Light now displays the correct amount of damage done by its secondary target damage effect for Retribution Paladin.
  • Hammerfall internal cooldown reduced to 0.1 second.
  • An issue causing Hammerfall to not proc Empyrean Hammer on overlapping procs has been resolved.




Developers' notes: Flash of Light and Holy Light have a lot of power tied into talents modifying their effectiveness and we would like these spells to be more effective to cast without these talents and casting these spells without Infusion of Light active to be a more viable option.

Developers’ notes: These changes are targeted at redistributing some of Holy Paladin’s healing breakdown into a few active healing spells that are not having enough direct impact.

Herald of the Sun





  • All ability damage increased by 15%.

Developers' notes: We have noticed damage dealt by tanks has not been keeping pace with damage dealers, we are adjusting damage of all tank specs to bring them into a closer alignment with DPS specs.




  • Divine Hammer has been redesigned -- Divine Hammers spin around you, striking enemies nearby for Holy damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. While active, each Holy Power spent increases the duration of Divine Hammer by 0.5 seconds. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Costs 3 Holy Power and has a 1 minute cooldown.
  • All ability damage increased by 5%.

Developers' notes: Empyrean Hammer's damage output was higher than desired on the overall breakdown. We're redistributing the power across the rest of the abilities.

Herald of the Sun


Developers’ notes: The reimplementation of Hammer of Light inadvertently altered its interactions with Crusade and Judgment. We have now adjusted these interactions to match the current live versions. 



Paladin 11.1 PvP Changes

WoW TWW PvP Class Changes
Blizzard Entertainment
  • New PvP Talent: Shining Revelation – The light reveals all enemies in stealth or invisible to you while under the effects of Divine Shield. This effect lingers for 20 seconds after Divine Shield fades.
  • Luminescence (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Lightbearer's healing transfer is increased by up to 200% based on your current health. Lower health heals allies for more. Now available to Holy Paladins.






And that covers all of the listed Paladin class changes for World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.1. You can check out the full list of changes in the official patch notes, here.




World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Released in 2004, the game is set in the high-fantasy world of Azeroth, where players create characters and embark on quests, battle monsters, and interact with other players. WoW features a vast, open world filled with diverse regions, dungeons, and raids. The game includes various classes and races, each with unique abilities and playstyles. World of Warcraft is known for its deep lore, engaging gameplay, and vibrant community. The game receives regular updates and expansions, introducing new content, storylines, and gameplay mechanics.

Release Date
Nov 23, 2004
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
ESRB Rating