With the new The War Within "Undermine(d)" patch coming to live servers, Blizzard has posted some very significant patch notes, detailing all of the changes, additions and quality-of-life adjustments to World of Warcraft.
With that being said, we will take a look at all of the Priest changes for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date with your favorite class and better navigate the very exciting Season 2 full of new content you can explore and participate in.
Table of Contents
Priest 11.1 PvE Changes

Developers’ notes: We are cleaning up some interactions between Mindbender and Voidwraith to reduce its effectiveness for Discipline. In addition, we're compensating Shadow to tune Voidweaver up in comparison to Archon and to make up for the reductions to Voidwraith.
- Voidwraith's damage is now reduced by 25% when talented into Mindbender.
- Voidwraith's cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes (was 2 minutes), now matching Shadowfiend's cooldown.

Developers' notes: The goal of these changes is to reduce the number of cooldowns Discipline has access to and bake some of that power into other abilities. In addition, we're resolving some pain points in the talent tree and making it easier to quickly get Atonements on allies by moving Overloaded with Light into a more central location. Finally, we're re-theming Purge the Wicked into a Shadow spell so that Twilight Equilibrium can be more consistently activated.
- New Talent: Divine Procession – Smite extends the duration of an active Atonement by 3 seconds.
- New Talent: Inner Focus – Flash Heal, Power Word: Shield, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, and Power Word: Life have a 20% increased chance to critically heal.
- Purge the Wicked renamed to Encroaching Shadows and has been updated – Now causes Shadow Word: Pain to spread instead of overriding Shadow Word: Pain with a new spell.
- Aegis of Wrath has been renamed to Eternal Barrier and has been updated – No longer decays over time and instead increases the duration of Power Word: Shield by 5 seconds and its absorption by 20% (was 30%).
- Void Summoner has been updated – Now reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend, Mindbender, or Voidwraith by 50%.
- Void Summoner now only triggers from Mind Blast and Penance casts. Void Summoner reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 8 seconds or Mindbender by 4 seconds (was 4 seconds and 2 seconds).
- Evangelism healing increased by 40%.
- Evangelism now heals all targets affected by Atonement for 4200% spell power, split amongst targets healed. Evangelism continues to extend Atonement by 6 seconds and its visual has been updated.
- Contrition has been made baseline and now logs as Penance healing.
- Penance damage and healing increased by 50%.
- The cooldown of Penance is now reduced by Haste.
Developers' notes: Penance has many stacking modifiers that affect its power, which has made it feel weak when the player doesn’t have all these modifiers active. We would like Penance to still feel good on its own, so we’re reducing the effectiveness of Power of the Dark Side and Harsh Discipline while also increasing the base damage and healing of Penance.
- Penance healing now triggers Divine Aegis.
- Harsh Discipline now only increases the number of Penance bolts by 1 per talent point invested (was up to 2). The buff will continue to stack up to 2 times but will now represent charges instead of increasing the number of bolts per stack.
- Power of the Dark Side increases the damage and healing of Penance by 30% (was 50%).
- Power Word: Shield absorption increased by 15%.
- Power Word: Radiance healing radius increased to 40 yards (was 30 yards).
- Luminous Barrier healing increased by 20%.
- Smite damage increased by 25%.
- Shadow Word: Pain damage increased by 44%.
Developers' notes: Shadow Word: Pain should be an important part of Discipline’s healing on Atonement targets to provide a steady stream of healing over time. Its damage has been weaker than we would like, especially compared to other spells in the kit like Entropic Rift, so we’re bringing it up and reducing Entropic Rift’s damage. This has a side effect of boosting Oracle’s damage comparatively to Voidweaver.
- Expiation no longer increases the damage of Shadow Word: Death and Mind Blast. Instead, it now deals damage equal to 200% of the duration consumed from Shadow Word: Pain.
- Indemnity increases the duration of Atonement applied by Power Word: Shield by 4 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Ultimate Penitence now shields the Priest for 100% of their health (was 50%).
- Priests may now slowly move during Ultimate Penitence and can control their landing upon finishing the channel.
- Pain and Suffering increases the damage of Shadow Word: Pain by 15/30% (was 7/15%).
- Pain and Suffering now increases the duration of Shadow Word: Pain by 2 seconds per talent point invested.
- Divine Aegis no longer triggers from periodic healing or Atonement or causes Power Word: Shield critical heals to be stronger. Absorption increased to 30% (was 5%).
- Divine Aegis now displays on raid frames.
- Atonement’s heal impact visual is now hidden for allies in raids and dungeons.
- Several talents have changed positions in the talent tree.
- The following talents have been removed:
- New Talent: Twinsight – 3 additional Penance bolts are fired at an enemy within 40 yards when healing an ally with Penance or fired at an ally within 40 yards when damaging an enemy with Penance.
- Premonition now has 2 charges baseline.
- Divine Providence has been removed.
- Entropic Rift damage reduced by 20%.
- Voidwraith grants the reduced effectiveness version of Shadow Covenant while talented into Mindbender.
- Voidwraith now returns 0.2% mana when talented into Mindbender (was 0.5%).

Developers' notes: We're aiming to provide a better experience when using Divine Hymn while pulling back on the number of raid cooldowns available to the specialization. We're also doing some consolidation in the tree by removing Circle of Healing and adding more interactions with Prayer of Healing. Finally, we're looking to provide options for a gameplay style centered around Renew uptime in addition to existing playstyles.
- Several talents have changed positions in the talent tree.
- New Talent: Lasting Words – Holy Word: Serenity applies 12 seconds of Renew to its target and Holy Word: Sanctify applies 4 seconds of Renew to allies it heals.
- New Talent: Light in the Darkness – Increases the healing done by Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify by 20%/40%. Increases the radius of Holy Word: Sanctify by 15%/30%.
- New Talent: Dispersing Light – 5% of healing done with Heal, Flash Heal, and Power Word: Life is replicated to 4 injured allies within 40 yards.
- New Talent: Divinity – Your healing is increased by 10% while Apotheosis is active. When you activate Apotheosis, your next 3 Heal or Prayer of Healing casts are instant and heal for 25% more.
- New Talent: Eternal Sanctity – Your Holy Words extend the duration of Apotheosis by 1 second.
- New Talent: Holy Celerity – Reduces the cooldown of your Holy Words by 15 seconds.
- New Talent: Empowered Renew – Renew reduces the cooldown of Sanctify by an additional 6 seconds and heals for 60% more when cast, but has a 12 second cooldown.
- Voice of Harmony has been updated – Power Word: Life now also reduces the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity. Divine Star and Halo now reduce the cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify.
- Seraphic Crescendo has been redesigned and moved from PvP talents to the Holy tree – Now reduces the cooldown of Divine Hymn by 60 seconds.
- Gales of Song has been redesigned – While channeling Divine Hymn, place 2 stacks of Prayer of Mending on up to 3 allies within its range every 1 second.
- Prayerful Litany has been redesigned – Now causes the primary target of Prayer of Healing to be healed for 75% more.
- All healing reduced by 8%.
- Holy Mending healing increased by 30%.
- Prayer of Healing healing increased by 69%.
- Prayer of Healing mana cost increased by 25%.
- Prayer of Healing cast time is now 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Prayer of Healing now prioritizes nearby injured targets instead of the closest targets.
- Prayer of Healing now has an impact visual on allies it heals.
- Prayer Circle now triggers from Holy Word: Sanctify.
- Cosmic Ripple healing increased by 150%.
- Lightwell’s health threshold is now 75% (was 50%).
- Resonant Words now also affects Power Word: Life.
- Lightweaver now increases the healing of Heal and Prayer of Healing by 18% (was 25%).
- Lightweaver can now also be consumed by Prayer of Healing in addition to Heal.
- Lightweaver now accumulates up to 4 charges (was 2).
- Divine Hymn channel duration is now 5 seconds (was 8 seconds). Total healing unchanged.
- Afterlife no longer grants a resurrection cast during Spirit of Redemption.
- Holy Nova now reduces the cooldown of Chastise by 4 seconds baseline and no longer interacts with Voice of Harmony.
- Crisis Management now also increases the critical strike chance of Power Word: Life.
- Apotheosis now reduces the cooldown of Holy Words by 200% (was 300%).
- Prismatic Echoes now also increases the healing of Renew by 15%/30%.
- Prismatic Echoes increases the healing of Mastery: Echo of Light by 5%/10% (was 6%/12%).
- Resonant Words is now on the Personal Resource Display.
- The following talents are now 1-point:
- The following talents have been removed:
- New Talent: Twin Sight – An additional 2 stacks of Prayer of Mending is placed on a second ally within 40 yards when casting Prayer of Mending.
- Preemptive Care now increases the duration of Renew by 25% (was 6 seconds).
- Premonition now has 2 charges baseline.
- Divine Providence has been removed.

- All damage increased by 13%.
- Void Blast damage increased by 25%.
- Collapsing Void damage increased by 15%.
- Inner Quietus increases the damage of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch by 35% (was 25%).
Priest 11.1 PvP Changes

- Archangel has been redesigned – Now a passive spell that upgrades Evangelism, causing it to heal for 30% more and increase your healing and absorption by 20% for 15 seconds.
- Dark Archangel has been redesigned – Now triggers automatically when you cast Shadowfiend or Mindbender and increases damage done by 10% (was 15%).
- Trinity (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Atonement duration increased by 10 seconds. Smite, Penance, and Void Blast have 30% reduced cast time when you have Atonement on 3 or more allies.
- Shadow Word: Pain damage no longer increased by 15% in PvP combat.
- Aegis of Wrath has been renamed to Eternal Barrier and is no longer reduced in PvP combat.

- Seraphic Crescendo has moved from PvP talents to the Holy tree.
And that covers all of the listed Priest class changes for World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.1. You can check out the full list of changes in the official patch notes, here.