Harumasa is one of the two S-Rank Agents that were released in ZZZ Version 1.4. He is also the first S-Rank Agent that players have gotten entirely for free. That’s right, everyone who logs into ZZZ now, until mid-March, 2025, will get a free copy of Harumasa. Well, what are the points of this article, then, you might ask? It is to discuss how good Harumasa is and if you should consider pulling for his M1 or his signature W-Engine.
Table of Contents
Is Harumasa Strong
That question is hard to answer. Harumasa is good. He is not amazing, but he isn’t weak either. He is unique in the sense that he is limited in his teambuilding and needs a very specific combo to maximize his damage. Harumasa can be a joy to play if you prefer high-skill characters, but he can also be an absolute nightmare if you don’t want to bother remembering his optimal combo. His combo aside, Harumasa is certainly fun thanks to his ranged and melee playstyle. He is also the first character in the game that uses an aim mechanic similar to what we have in Genshin Impact, which definitely makes him stand out. In addition, he is also a free character that anyone can get just by logging into the game. This makes Harumasa a character that you should definitely invest in and build up, as you are not going to regret it.
Those things aside, should you build Harumasa if you already have a built Anton or Yanagi? Probably not, unless you like him. Yanagi is already a powerhouse of an Electric DPS, and no other Electric character can match her as of Version 1.4. Anton, on the other hand, is an A-Rank agent and is easy to build and use while also having decent damage. While you can replace Harumasa for Anton, their playstyles are entirely different, and if you like Anton, you might not like Harumasa. The same applies the other way around. If you don’t like Anton, you might just find Harumasa a ton of fun to play. At the end of the day, I believe you should first test Harumasa out in the training mode and in his trial to see whether the playstyle clicks with you.
Should You Pull for Harumasa
The answer to this question is maybe. Harumasa’s M1 is without a doubt the best out of his mindspaces. This is because it makes him way easier to use, while also removing the need for the annoying combo I talked about earlier. Aside from that, however, it does nothing. It doesn’t increase his damage, nor is it a must-have. It just makes Harumasa way more fun to use and way less tedious. If you like the character and want to get more copies of him, then for sure go to M1 or M2. However, if you’re only focused on damage, I’d advise going straight for his signature W-Engine. Harumasa’s signature W-Engine is a great boost to his damage and makes him way easier to build. Thus the choice you have to make is:
- Do you want to make Harumasa easier to play? Get his M1
- Do you want to make Harumasa do more DMG? Get his W-Engine
Depending on what you want, your choice will differ, so consider this before deciding to pull!