Deadlock is possibly the most anticipated MOBA as it combines elements from beloved games like League of Legends and Dota 2 with Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch to form quite a fun and addictive title.
With casual and pro players flocking to give Deadlock a try, you might find yourself wanting to main Ivy as the extensive roster of heroes can be quite overwhelming, but if you have your sights set on this adorable gargoyle, then we've got you covered with this beginner guide.
Table of Contents
Ivy Abilities and Overview

Ivy can be very tricky to pick up as her kit can seem very weak to the untrained eye, however, you can impact the game quite drastically by repositioning key teammates. Not only do you deal a lot of damage, but you bring a lot of utility to your games, making you quite the fierce adversary.

Kudzu Bomb
- Description: Summon a patch of choking vines that damages and slows enemies in a radius.
- Radius: 6m
- Duration: 4s
- Cooldown: 32s
- Charges: 1
- DPS: 60 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.6)
- T1: +1 Charges
- T2: +2s Duration
- T5: +60 DPS

Watcher's Covenant
- Description: Gain bonuses and automatically connect with a nearby ally to share them. Healing is replicated among all those connected. Connection requires lines of sight. Press [2] to Lock on to a target.
- Range: 16m
- Duration: 12s
- Cooldown: 37s
- Fire Rate: +10% (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.2)
- Bullet Lifesteal: +15% (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.2)
- Replicated Healing: 30%
- T1: +10% Fire Rate
- T2: +2m/s movement bonus
- T5: +1 Tether Count

Stone Form
- Description: Turn yourself into impervious stone and smash into the ground, stunning and damaging enemies nearby. Heals you for a percentage of your max health. You have some air control before falling.
- Radius: 6m
- Duration: 2s
- Cooldown: 42s
- Damage: 80 (Spirit Power Scaling x 1)
- Stun Duration: 0.75s
- Max Health Heal: 10%
- T1: -19s Cooldown
- T2: +80 Damage and stuns for +0.5s
- T5: +20% Max Health Heal

Air Drop
- Description: Take flight with an ally or a bomb. Drop your ally or bomb to cause a large explosion that causes movement slow. Ivy and ally gain a bullet shield when flying ends. While lifted, your ally gains bullet resist but cannot attack and deals -50% damage. Air Drop has faster cast time when targeting an ally.
- Range: 8m
- Duration: 17s
- Cooldown: 85s
- Explode Damage: 80 (Spirit Power Scalingx2.5)
- Bullet Shield: 200 (Spirit Power Scalingx2.5)
- Slow Duration: 4s
- Ally Bullet Resist: +40%
- Shield Duration: 12s
- Explode Radius: 14m
- Movement Slow: 35%
- Self-cast Time: 1.3s
- T1: -20% Bullet Resist on enemies hit for 12s
- T2: +300 Bullet Shield and +5m Explode Radius
- T5: Applies Silence on enemies hit for +4s

Ability Order

Kudzu Bomb
- Unlock First
- Upgrade T1
- Max Out Last

Watcher's Covenant
- Unlock Third
- Max Out Second

Stone Form
- Unlock Second
- Max Out First

Air Drop
- Unlock Last
- Upgrade T1
- Max Out Third
Best Ivy Early-Game Items

Basic Magazine
- +24% Ammo
- +15% Weapon Damage
- Component of Titanic Magazine

Close Quarters
- +85 Bullet Shield Health
- Passive: Deal additional Weapon Damage when in close range to your target.
- +25% Weapon Damage Conditional: Close Range
- Condition: 15m Close Range

Extra Health
- +160 Bonus Health
- +5% Weapon Damage

Sprint Boots
- +2m/s Sprint Speed
- +1 Health Regen
- +4% Weapon Damage

Ammo Scavenger
- +15% Ammo
- +60 Bonus Health
- Passive: Any time you secure or deny a Soul you get ammo back and gain stacking Spirit Power.
- 2 Ammo Per Soul
- 2 Spirit Power Per Soul
- 35s Spirit Power Duration
- 12 Max Stacks
Best Ivy Mid-Game Items

Heroic Aura (Active)
- +20% Bullet Lifesteal
- +150 Bonus Health
- +1m/s Move Speed
- Passive: Provides Fire Rate to nearby player minions.
- +40% Minions Fire Rate (Conditional)
- 20m Radius
- Active: Provides bonus Movement Speed and Fire Rate to you and nearby allies.
- +2m/s Movement Speed (Conditional)
- +25% Fire Rate (Conditional)
- 30m Active Radius
- 6s Duration

Intensifying Magazine
- +25% Ammo
- +20% Weapon Damage
- Passive: Increases Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon.
- Conditional: 75% Max Weapon Damage
- 3s Time for Max Damage

Escalating Resilience
- +14% Fire Rate
- +14% Weapon Damage
- Passive: Grants Bullet Resist when your bullets hit an enemy hero. Each shot can only grant one stack.
- 40% Max Bullet Resist
- 2% Bullet Resist per Stack
- 20s Stack Duration

Healing Booster
- +6% Spirit Resist
- +2 Health Regen
- Passive: Increases the effectiveness of your Healing and increases your resistance to healing reduction.
- +25% Healing Effectiveness
- +15% Heal Reduction Resistance

Enduring Speed
- +1.4m/s Move Speed
- +2m/s Sprint Speed
- +75 Bonus Health
- +1.5 Health Regen
- Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow.
- +40% Movement Slow Resist

Spirit Armor
- +20% Spirit Resist
- +5 Spirit Power
- Component of Improved Spirit Armor

Decay (Active)
- +7 Spirit Power
- Active: Reduces healing received of targeted enemy and inflicts damage over time of their current health. Decay's damage is non-lethal.
- -50% Healing Reduction
- 3.1%/sec Bleed Damage
- 15m + (0.20 * SpiritPower) Cast Range
- 10s Duration

Knockdown (Active)
- +1 Stamina
- +200 Spirit Shield Health
- +6 Spirit Power
- Active: Target is knocked down and Stunned after a 2s delay, interrupting and temporarily preventing them from taking any action.
- 0.9s Stun Duration
- 45m Cast Range

Mystic Reach
- +16% Ability Range
- +6% Spirit Resist
- Component of Improved Reach
Best Ivy Late-Game Items

Silencer (Active)
- +25% Bullet Slow Proc
- +20% Weapon Damage
- Active: For the next 4s, all your bullets immediately apply Silence. Silence prevents targets from using abilities.
- 2s Debuff Duration

Crippling Headshot
- +20% Weapon Damage
- +10% Bullet Lifesteal
- +10% Spirit Lifesteal
- Passive: Headshots reduce target's Bullet and Spirit Resist.
- 24% Bullet Resist Reduction
- 24% Spirit Resist Reduction
- 4s Debuff Duration

Titanic Magazine
- +100% Ammo
- +18% Weapon Damage
- +18% Bullet Resist

- +25% Weapon Damage
- +175 Bonus Health
- Passive: Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target's outgoing damage on hit.
- 25% Movement Slow (Conditional)
- -35% Damage Penalty (Conditional)
- 2.5s Debuff Duration

Soul Rebirth
- +18% Cooldown Reduction
- +20% Weapon Damage
- +12 Spirit Power
- Passive: If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health.
- +50% Rebirth Health
- 200s Cooldown

Echo Shard (Active)
- +1m/s Move Speed
- +16% Bullet Resist
- +12 Spirit Power
- Active: Reset the cooldown of your most recently used non-ultimate ability.
- 21s Cooldown

Curse (Active)
- +20% Weapon Damage
- +8 Spirit Power
- Active: Curses an enemy - interrupting, Silencing, Disarming, and preventing item usage.
- 3.25s Status Duration
- 20m Cast Range

Quicksilver Reload
- Passive: Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
- 65 Spirit Damage
- 15% Fire Rate Bonus
- 12s Max Frequency
Ivy Beginner Guide

Ivy offers a rather niche playstyle as her kit revolves around providing utility for your team, whether improving positioning, setting up combos or providing the extra bit of support to ensure your carries can dominate your enemies.
Although there can be some very fun DPS-heavy builds, you should be able to carry games easily with this build. Best of luck in your Deadlock games!