Deadlock is possibly the most anticipated MOBA as it combines elements from beloved games like League of Legends and Dota 2 with Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch to form quite a fun and addictive title.
With casual and pro players flocking to give Deadlock a try, you might find yourself wanting to main McGinnis as the extensive roster of heroes can be quite overwhelming, but if you have your sights set on this brawling sailor, then we've got you covered with this beginner guide.
Table of Contents
McGinnis Abilities and Overview

McGinnis excels in zoning out enemies whilst easily pushing out lanes, allowing your team to either contest neutral objectives or take down key targets. Her utility and damage are quite extraordinary, coupled with her relatively easy-to-learn playstyle, making McGinnis a great option for beginner players.

Mini Turret
- Description: Deploy a Mini Turret that automatically shoots enemies. The turret expires after a limited time. Turrets gain 30% of McGinnis's max health and have 60% Spirit Resist. They deal reduced damage to troopers and objectives.
- Range: 15m
- Cooldown: 30s
- Charges: 1
- Turret DPS: 60 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.4)
- Lifetime: 30s
- T1: +1 Ability Charge and turrets apply +25% Movement Slow
- T2: +10m Attack Range and +10% turret fire rate
- T5: +45 Turret DPS
Turrets do not inherit any of McGinnis' bullet or spirit resistances.

Medicinal Specter
- Description: Deploy a spirit that heals nearby units.
- Range: 15m
- Duration: 6s (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.1)
- Cooldown: 48s
- Health Regen: +25/sec
- Heal Radius: 5m (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.05)
- T1: +35% Fire Rate on units being healed by Medicinal Specter
- T2: -17s Cooldown
- T5: +5% Max Health regen per second

Spectral Wall
- Description: Creates a wall that divides the terrain in half. On creation, the wall deals damage and applies slow to enemies nearby. After casting, press [LMB] or [3] to erupt the wall early.
- Range: 50m
- Duration: 5s
- Cooldown: 37s
- Damage: 64 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.8)
- Movement Slow: 25%
- Slow Duration: 2.5s
- T1: Removes 1 stamina and amplifies McGinnis's damage by 25% on hit enemies for 7s
- T2: -14s Cooldown
- T5: Adds a 1s Stun to enemies hit by Spectral Wall

Heavy Barrage
- Description: Unleashes a volley of rockets that home in on a targeted location.
- Range: 50m
- Cooldown: 106s
- Damage Per Rocket: 30 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.4)
- Rockets per second: 6
- Explosion Radius: 4.5m
- Min Range: 6m
- Channel Duration: 13s
- T1: Applies 35% movement slow
- T2: -47s Cooldown
- T5: +30 Damage per rocket

Ability Order

Mini Turret
- Unlock Second
- Max Out First

Medicinal Specter
- Unlock Third
- Max Out Last

Spectral Wall
- Unlock First
- Max Out Second

Heavy Barrage
- Unlock Last
- Max Out Third
Best McGinnis Early-Game Items

Fleetfoot (Active)
- +90 Bonus Health
- +25% Slide Distance
- Passive: Removes the Movement Speed penalty while shooting.
- Active: Gain bonus Movement Speed and Ammo.
- +3m/s Movement Speed
- +30% Temporary Ammo
- 4s Duration
- 18s Cooldown

Basic Magazine
- +24% Ammo
- +15% Weapon Damage
- Component of Titanic Magazine

Extra Health
- +160 Bonus Health
- +5% Weapon Damage

Sprint Boots
- +2m/s Sprint Speed
- +1 Health Regen
- +4% Weapon Damage
- Component of Enduring Speed

Extra Stamina
- +1 Stamina
- +10% Stamina Recovery
- +7% Fire Rate
- Component of Superior Stamina

Healing Rite (Active)
- +45 Bonus Health
- +3 Spirit Power
- Active: Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast.
- 370 Total Health Regen
- +2m/s Sprint Speed
- 17s Regen Duration
- 30m Cast Range
- 60s Cooldown
- Component of Health Nova
Best McGinnis Mid-Game Items

Intensifying Magazine
- +25% Ammo
- +20% Weapon Damage
- Passive: Increases Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon.
- Conditional: 75% Max Weapon Damage
- 3s Time for Max Damage

Heroic Aura (Active)
- +20% Bullet Lifesteal
- +150 Bonus Health
- +1m/s Move Speed
- Passive: Provides Fire Rate to nearby player minions.
- +40% Minions Fire Rate (Conditional)
- 20m Radius
- Active: Provides bonus Movement Speed and Fire Rate to you and nearby allies.
- +2m/s Movement Speed (Conditional)
- +25% Fire Rate (Conditional)
- 30m Active Radius
- 6s Duration
- 30s Cooldown

Bullet Lifesteal
- +28% Bullet Lifesteal
- +75 Bonus Health

Enduring Speed
- +1.4m/s Move Speed
- +2m/s Sprint Speed
- +75 Bonus Health
- +1.5 Health Regen
- Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
- +40% Movement Slow Resist

Debuff Reducer
- +75 Bonus Health
- +6% Weapon Damage
- Passive: Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you.
- 30% Debuff Resist
- Component of Debuff Remover

Bullet Armor
- +20% Bullet Resist
- +6% Weapon Damage
- Component of Improved Bullet Armor

Quicksilver Reload
- Passive: Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
- 65 Spirit Damage
- 15% Fire Rate Bonus
- 12s Max Frequency

Bullet Resist Shredder
- +100 Bonus Health
- +5% Bullet Resist
- Passive: Reduces Bullet Resist on enemies when you deal Spirit Damage.
- 12% Bullet Resist
- 8s Duration

Extra Charge
- +1 Bonus Ability Charges
- +10% Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities
- +6% Weapon Damage
- Component of Rapid Recharge
Best McGinnis Late-Game Items

Titanic Magazine
- +100% Ammo
- +18% Weapon Damage
- +18% Bullet Resist

Crippling Headshot
- +20% Weapon Damage
- +10% Bullet Lifesteal
- +10% Spirit Lifesteal
- Passive: Headshots reduce target's Bullet and Spirit Resist.
- 24% Bullet Resist Reduction
- 24% Spirit Resist Reduction
- 4s Debuff Duration

Silencer (Active)
- +25% Bullet Slow Proc
- +20% Weapon Damage
- Active: For the next 4s, all your bullets immediately apply Silence. Silence prevents targets from using abilities.
- 2s Debuff Duration
- 34s Cooldown

- +25% Weapon Damage
- +175 Bonus Health
- Passive: Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target's outgoing damage on hit.
- 25% Movement Slow (Conditional)
- -35% Damage Penalty (Conditional)
- 2.5s Debuff Duration

- +35% Spirit Lifesteal
- +35% Bullet Lifesteal
- +175 Bonus Health
- +12 Spirit Power
- +15% Weapon Damage

- +50 Bonus Health
- +2.5 Health Regen
- +4 Spirit Power
- Passive: When you deal Spirit Damage to enemies, you also apply Fire Rate Slow.
- Component of Mystic Slow
McGinnis Beginner Guide

McGinnis is a fairly straightforward support hero that specializes in area control whilst giving allies healing and blocking off escape paths with her wall. Her mini turrets give ample opportunity to distract enemies or deal with squishy targets as well as provide cover fire while you are setting up a combo or an engage.
Her constant barrage of damage will certainly disable any opponent eager to jump into your team. Best of luck in your Deadlock games!