Fortnite: 'The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office...' Walkthrough

Here's a quick guide that will show you how to complete the Found Quest: 'The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office...' and fix the not starting bug in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless.

Fortnite: 'The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office...' Walkthrough
Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless has just begun! As with every new season, we get a fresh Battle Pass, exciting new mechanics, brand-new weapons and accessories, and of course, a set of  weekly, Kickstart, and Story quests. If you want to unlock every Battle Pass reward, the best way is to complete all available quests.

Today, a new Found Quest has been added: "The Baron is reportedly hoarding gold in the office…" Completing this quest rewards you with an entire level, but there are no clear instructions on what exactly to do. Don't worry! This guide will walk you through everything you need to complete the quest quickly and efficiently.



How to Complete ‘The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office…’ Found Quest

To complete this quest, you first need to locate the Baron's office. You can find it at the Outlaw Oasis named location. However, there is currently a bug where the quest doesn’t start for some players once they arrive at the location.

Fortnite: 'The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office...' Walkthrough
Epic Games

Found Quest Not Starting? Here’s How to Fix It

Many players have reported that restarting the game and visiting Outlaw Oasis multiple times can fix the issue, but that didn’t work for me. I tried relogging 10 times and starting new matches, but nothing changed.

The fix that worked for me was starting a Battle Royale Ranked game. Once I landed in Outlaw Oasis, I immediately received the message: "Give Valentina the signal to start cracking the vault."

How to Complete ‘The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office…’ Found Quest
Epic Games



Additionally, you must be at Stage 5 of the Story Quests, which says: "Help Valentina rob Fletcher Kane's personal safe." Since both quests take place at the same location, it's best to complete them together.

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the Quest

  • Enter a Ranked game with building enabled and head to Outlaw Oasis.
  • Talk to Valentina to initiate the heist.
How to Complete ‘The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office…’ Found Quest
Epic Games
  • Follow Valentina as she walks towards the safe and starts cracking it.
  • Defeat six guards that will appear around the house.
How to Complete ‘The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office…’ Found Quest
Epic Games



If you die, you will have to restart the quest from the beginning.

  • Once all guards are eliminated, talk to Valentina again to complete the quest.
  • Check your Story Quest menu—both quests should now be marked as completed.
How to Complete ‘The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office…’ Found Quest
Epic Games

And that’s it! You’ve now completed "The Baron is Reportedly Hoarding Gold in the Office..." Found Quest in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless. If you missed any other quests, be sure to check out our full guides below for more tips and strategies.






Fortnite is a battle royale game developed and published by Epic Games. Released in 2017, the game features up to 100 players fighting to be the last person standing on a shrinking map. Fortnite is known for its vibrant graphics, unique building mechanics, and regular updates that introduce new content, events, and collaborations with popular franchises. The game includes various modes, such as Solo, Duos, Squads, and Creative, offering diverse experiences for players. Fortnite has become a cultural phenomenon, attracting millions of players worldwide and hosting virtual concerts, movie screenings, and other in-game events.

Battle Royale
PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS
Release Date
Jul 25, 2017
Epic Games
Epic Games
ESRB Rating