Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Kuromi Best Gifts

This guide will teach you Kuromi’s best gifts and how you can craft them to quickly build up her friendship.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Kuromi Best Gifts

Kuromi is one of the most important characters at the start of Hello Kitty Island Adventure. A lot of important gameplay features are locked behind her Friendship Level, such as unlocking the [Haunted Mansion] through the story quest [Re-Haunt the Spooky Swamp] and also unlocking the [Snorkel] so that you can finally dive into the water. This is why knowing how to quickly raise your Friendship Level with Kuromi will save you a lot of time in unlocking core components in the game. In this guide, we’ll show you the best gifts you can give Kuromi at the start of the game and how you can craft them!

Best Gift

Name Icon Rarity Tags
Joke Soda Joke Soda Uncommon JokeSoda
Craft Materials
Name Icon Count
Fizzy Crystal Fizzy Crystal 1
Tofu Tofu 1

The best gift you can give Kuromi if you’re just starting out playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure is the [Joke Soda]. This item increases your Friendship Level with Kuromi quite a bit, and it will also reward you with 5 Light Stones, which are used to craft Sparks. These Sparks come into play when unlocking the Ziplines later on and are a crafting component of the Snorkel, so you’ll definitely want to have as many as possible.

How to Craft

You can craft the [Joke Soda] by using 1 Fizzy Crystal and 1 Tofu. Sodas can be crafted using the [Soda Machine]. The [Soda Machine] is found in the Gemstone Town part of the game, so if you still haven’t unlocked that, it is situated on the top side of the map. After you’ve gotten the required materials and have unlocked the Soda Machine, all that’s left is to craft the [Joke Soda] and give it to Kuromi.



Alternative Gift

Name Icon Rarity Tags
Jack-O-Lantern File:Jack_o%E2%80%99_Lantern.png Uncommon FallSpooky
Craft Materials
Name Icon Count
Pumpkin Pumpkin 5

If you do not feel like going out of your way to craft the [Joke Soda], you can use the next best thing, which is the [Jack-O-Lantern]. This item gives the same amount of friendship level as the [Joke Soda] and will also net you 5 Light Stones when you give it to Kuromi. Having said that, the [Jack-O-Lantern] is more expensive to craft, requiring that you use 5 Pumpkins. But it is also easier to craft, as Pumpkins can easily be found in the Spooky Swamp.

How to Craft

To craft the [Jack-O-Lantern], you’ll first have to find its crafting plans. These can be found in a [Treasure Chest] behind the [Pumpkin Patch] in the Spooky Swamp. After you’ve got the plans, you can head to the Crafting Table and craft it by using 5 Pumpkins.
