With Season 13 of Overwatch 2 being out for a month now, the meta is already starting to feel a bit stale. Ramattra and Orisa have been dominating for a while, and the lack of tank variety has made the game very predictable across different skill levels. Luckily, Blizzard has just released the mid-season update, which aims to bring a few other tanks up to par while also making numerous balancing adjustments to many of the DPS and support heroes. Here is the full list of hero changes from the Overwatch 2 Mid-Season 13 patch notes!

Overwatch 2 Mid-Season 13 Patch Notes: All Hero Changes
The Overwatch 2 Mid-Season 13 patch brings balancing adjustments to many heroes across all roles. This patch aims to improve some of the underperforming heroes, allowing players to experiment and counter the enemy team more effectively. While most of these changes are not game-breaking, they help reduce the gap between the stronger and weaker heroes in the meta. Here is the full list of hero changes from the Mid-Season 13 update for Overwatch 2:
Overwatch 2 Mid-Season 13 Tank Changes

Developer Comments: This Rocket Punch adjustment makes it slightly easier to trigger the wall slam which should result in fewer enemies sliding along the wall.

Rocket Punch
- Angle required for wall slam increased from 44 to 55 degrees.

Meteor Strike
- Ultimate cost reduced 8%.
- Healing per second while in the air increased from 75 to 90.

Junker Queen
Developer Comments: Although she’s not the most played, Junker Queen is the top performing tank at the moment. These adjustments are aimed at tuning her down slightly by reducing her self-healing and making the knife throw require more accuracy.

Jagged Blade
- Base projectile size reduced from 0.2 to 0.15 meters.

Adrenaline Rush
- Wound damage self-healing multiplier reduced from 2.5 to 2.25x.

Developer Comments: Mauga has been underperforming for a while now so we're putting some power into perhaps his most engaging ability, Overrun.

- Cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
- Charge movement speed increased 15%.
Overwatch 2 Mid-Season 13 DPS Changes

Developer Comments: The Dragonstrike change enables it to damage non-player entities such as barriers, turrets, traps, and mines. This should increase its usefulness even when not eliminating opponents as it can now help clear the battlefield of other obstacles as well.

Storm Bow
- Time to fully charge decreased from 0.87 to 0.80 seconds.

- Now damages enemy buildable objects.

Developer Comments: We're increasing the cooldown on Concussion Mine to reduce the frequency of both Junkrat's mobility and burst damage combo.

Concussion Mine
- Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.

Developer Comments The added survivability from this passive is being tuned down now that Reaper has 300 health and more reliable mobility after the cast time reduction to Shadow Step.

The Reapening
- Lifesteal reduced from 35 to 30%.

Developer Comments: This is a revert to a previous nerf now that Tracer is less threatening due to Pulse Pistol damage coming down recently.

- Cooldown reduced from 13 to 12 seconds.
Overwatch 2 Mid-Season 13 Support Changes

Developer Comments: This damage value has gone back and forth a few times as it's a significant break point for the number of shots to eliminate some heroes.

Biotic Rifle
- Damage and Healing increased from 70 to 75.

Developer Comments: Juno was the top tier meta support hero and was overperforming last season. Orbital Ray has also proven to be one of the more impactful ultimate abilities so we're reducing how frequently it comes up.

Orbital Ray
- Ultimate cost increased 10%.

Developer Comment: Kiriko was heavily impacted by the health reduction to 225 HP and was already on the weaker side of support heroes, so we're lightly reducing her ability cooldowns and weapon recovery to add some effectiveness back into her.

- Recovery time decreased from 0.55 to 0.5 seconds.

Swift Step
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds.

Protection Suzu
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 14 seconds.

Developer Comment: Lifegrip is great for repositioning allies to help save them but it also telegraphs where they're going to end up so they may take a bunch of damage right afterwards. We're adding a bit more healing to it to help this happen less often, but we'll keep an eye on it so we don't overdo it.

- Cooldown reduced from 19 to 18 seconds.
- Healing increased from 50 to 75.

Tree of Life
- Time before Overhealth begins to drain when out of range increased from 2.5 to 6 seconds.

Developer Comment: Moira wasn't that adversely affected by the move to 225 HP, but she could use a small boost to her survivability.

Biotic Grasp
- Self-healing increased from 24 to 30 health per second.
That concludes the full list of hero changes that were made during the mid-season 13 update of Overwatch 2. Hopefully these changes are going to increase the viability of many of the different heroes in the game, allowing for new strategies to emerge over time. For more Overwatch 2 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!