Valorant Patch 9.10 finally dropped, as it was officially released on November 19, 2024. As with any other new update, this one contains plenty of necessary bug fixes and improvements, but what makes it different than the last few patches is that it introduced numerous weapon and Agent changes.
This is hands down the biggest update we've seen since Patch 8.11, and we're excited to share with you the details. In this guide, we'll take a look at the most important Agent changes, weapon improvements, and bug fixes for Valorant Patch 9.10.
Table of Contents
Valorant Patch 9.10 Agent Changes

- CHANGED: 0.5-second windup added before the full wallhack reveal applies and fades in.

Neural Theft
- CHANGED: Ult Cost 6 ⇒ 7

Healing Orb
- CHANGED: Self Heal 30HP ⇒ 50HP

Slow Orb
- CHANGED: Reduces the dash speed of enemies caught inside by 50%.

- CHANGED: Ult Cost 8 ⇒ 7

- CHANGED: Annihilation will now always kill the target when the timer expires and they are not freed from the nanowire cocoon.

Barrier Mesh
- FIXED: Updated health state visuals

Dark Cover
- CHANGED: Always falls to level Geometry where players can stand, similar to other spherical smokes.
This should prevent Omen from placing one-way smokes on small ornamental pieces of Geometry.

- FIXED: Ally vs. enemy clarity around Ruse casts for both alive and dead casts of smokes have been improved.
- CHANGED: Enemy smokes appear more red than ally smokes.

Not Dead Yet
- CHANGED: Time to kill 12s ⇒ 10s

- CHANGED: Grants a free charge on round start. 2 kill reset to generate an additional charge.

Hot Hands
- CHANGED: Non-signature ability that costs 200 credits.

- CHANGED: The initial projectile goes through walls, allowing Blaze to function similarly to Harbor’s High Tide.

- CHANGED: Jett can no longer float while suppressed or detained.
Valorant Patch 9.10 Weapon Updates
With Valorant Patch 9.10, the developers announced that they want to maintain the intuitive relationship between player movement speed and accuracy, so they’re opting to increase all moving state accuracy penalties, also known as movement errors, and encourage intentionality in movement when shooting. Now it's time to take a look at all the important weapon updates:

- CHANGED: Moving while crouching Inaccuracy 0.1 ⇒ 0.5

- CHANGED: Moving while crouching Inaccuracy 0.1 ⇒ 0.5
- FIXED: Bullet Count 13 ⇒ 15

- CHANGED: Moving while crouching Inaccuracy 0.1 ⇒ 0.5
- Bullet Count 13 ⇒ 15

- CHANGED: Moving while crouching Inaccuracy 0.1 ⇒ 0.5

- CHANGED: Walk Inaccuracy 2.4 ⇒ 3
- Run Inaccuracy 5 ⇒ 6

- CHANGED: Walk Inaccuracy 2.4 ⇒ 3
- Run Inaccuracy 5 ⇒ 6

- CHANGED: Walk Inaccuracy 2 ⇒ 3
- Run Inaccuracy 5 ⇒ 6

- CHANGED: Walk Inaccuracy 2 ⇒ 3
- Run Inaccuracy 5 ⇒ 6

- CHANGED: Walk Inaccuracy 2.4 ⇒ 3
- Run Inaccuracy 6 ⇒ 6.5

- CHANGED: Walk Inaccuracy 2.4 ⇒ 3
- Run Inaccuracy 6 ⇒ 6.5
Valorant Patch 9.10 Gameplay Systems

Riot Games is taking measures to get rid of some problematic situations, such as using your utility and getting killed, but also discovering you blinded players that weren't even close to you or you didn't engage with. From now on, your utility usage statistics will appear once the round has resolved rather than after you die. Here's a list of the most important gameplay systems updates in Patch 9.10:
- Well-placed concusses should be just as consequential for movement-oriented Duelists as other Agents.
- Concusses now slow enemy dashes by 50%. This affects Jett’s Tailwind and Neon’s Slide.
- The way overhead shields are shown in the bottom HUD has been improved.
- Visual cues have been added to the inside of the smoke to let you know when they are about to disappear to better support decision-making. These cues match up with the ones that exist on the outside of the smoke.
- The following Agents’ smokes have been affected: Astra, Brimstone, Omen, and Clove.
Valorant Patch 9.10 Bug Fixes & Other Improvements
- Added a visual divider on Invite Division standings that shows the cutoff for demotion at the end of Stage E9A3. Teams below the divider after standings are finalized will be demoted at the start of the next Stage.
- Added a message that notifies you if your team has qualified for playoffs.
- Fixed a bug with Killjoy's Alarm Bot where it did not play the proper reactivation ceremony and would instantly reactivate when Killjoy reentered its range.
- Fixed a bug where Clove's Meddle was hitting through level Geometry.
- Fixed an issue where ambient audio elements were not playing pre-round for Pearl, Breeze, and Sunset.
Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! If you want to read the full Valorant 9.10 Patch Notes, you can click here.