Have you ever felt like you're making the locals uncomfortable by brandishing your weapon? Fear not! We'll guide you through the process of...
a year ago
If you've found yourself struggling to open the sarcophagus in the treacherous Dank Crypt, fret not. We've prepared a comprehensive guide...
a year ago
In the world of the Forgotten Realms, fashion is paramount, whether it's for impressing your companions, charming admirers, or simply...
a year ago
Traps are a constant threat in Baldur’s Gate III, but with the right knowledge and skills, you can navigate through them unscathed. This...
a year ago
Reviving characters in Baldur’s Gate III is crucial for maintaining a strong party. This guide will walk you through the steps to revive...
a year ago
In Baldur's Gate III, similar to companions, you can recruit Hirelings to join your party and aid you on your journey. This guide provides...
a year ago
If you've ever dreamed of creating a character that's a unique blend of multiple classes in Baldur's Gate 3, then multiclassing is your...
a year ago
Patch 3 brings a highly requested feature to Baldur's Gate 3 – the ability to change your character's appearance. In this guide, we'll...
a year ago
Embarking on a grand adventure in Baldur's Gate 3 can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to building and fine-tuning your character....
a year ago
In Baldur's Gate III, understanding how to level up both your main character and companions is crucial for progression. This guide will...
a year ago
Spells play a vital role in both combat and exploration in Baldur's Gate 3. To optimize your party's abilities, you may need to manage and...
a year ago
Switching companions in and out of your party is a breeze in Baldur's Gate III, and our guide will walk you through the process. Whether...
a year ago
In the world of Baldur's Gate 3, knowing how to rest is fundamental for keeping your party in peak condition. Whether you're gearing up for...
a year ago
Starting your adventure in the vast world of Baldur's Gate 3 might leave you wondering if there are important initial steps you should...
a year ago
Prepare to enter a world where every choice you make shapes your destiny and every step you take is fraught with danger and opportunity....
a year ago
Embark on an epic journey through the rich and intricate world of Baldur's Gate III, a game that seamlessly blends the depth of traditional...
a year ago
Baldur's Gate 3 has been a remarkable success, drawing in players with its engaging storyline and captivating world. However, before you...
a year ago
Fortunately, every class has its strengths and there aren't any real 'unplayable' picks. All of them are perfectly capable of making it...
a year ago