World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has introduced a lot of new content for players to try out. Whether you will be doing PvP in Stranglethorn Vale, collecting all of the new class runes and skillbooks or raiding in Gnomeregan.
Since the new 10-man raid can be quite challenging given the amount of new mechanics and armor bosses have in Gnomeregan.
With that being said, we will be going over some strategies and tips so you can be prepared for the fourth boss and secure yourself some great gear as well. Wowhead has created a great guide and we will expand upon it by adding more helpful information and tips.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Electrocutioner 6000 Guide for Gnomeregan Raid
This is the fourth boss in the Gnomeregan Raid. This encounter will require a lot of team coordination to mitigate the damage the boss can deal to the group.
You will have to take care of very punishing AoE abilities that can easily mean a fast wipe if you are not paying attention to rotations and party management.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Electrocutioner 6000 Primary Abilities
We will go through all of the abilities of the boss so you can have a better understanding of what to expect from the encounter. Essentially, the boss will cast Positive and Negative charges on the raid members.
Once a player has a Negative charge Magnetic Pulse they should run away from the rest of the group to avoid dealing unnecessary damage to other players. If a tank has a Negative charge, simply stand away from him.
Discombobulation Protocol - AoE spell that deals damage and knocks players back.
Magnetic Pulse - Targets a player with a debuff that changes their pollarity, this causes the player to inflict AoE damage around them and pull in players within 8 yards.
Static Arc - Discharges a chain lighting-like ability that hits 3 targets, and applies a 20 sec debuff that increases damage from Static Arc by 500%.
This is the most important mechanic to look after as this targets the players furthest away from the boss.
Your raid will need to have two separate ranged groups consisting of three players that will need to constantly swap places once one group has been hit by Static Arc.
If a ranged group has been hit by a Negative charge Magnetic Pulse then someone will need to swap places to soak the debuff.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Electrocutioner 6000 Tips
We will be covering tips for all roles in the Gnomeregan Raid during the fourth boss encounter.
Tank Tips
- This is a straightforward tank and spank so you will not have to do much.
Make sure to keep the boss against the wall so that the other players have enough space to run out of range when a negative charge has been cast.
Melee Tips
- Constantly be aware Static Arc and Magnetic Pulse while trying to keep uptime on DPS.
- Save gap closers for when the boss casts Discombobulation Protocol every 30 seconds or so.
Ranged Tips
If you are not assigned to a Static Arc soaking group make sure to stay in melee range as close as possible to not cause any mishaps when ranged groups are switching place.
- Save your instant casts when you have to swap places or when the boss forces you to spread out.
Healer Tips
- Save your instant heals and utility when you are forced to move to maximize your downtime.
Keep an eye out for Magnetic Pulse and make sure to notify the other healer so they can keep the tank topped off.
And that is everything you need to know about the Electrocutioner 6000 boss encounter in the new Gnomeregan Raid.
Good luck, Champions of Azeroth and may the RNG Gods bless you with some great loot in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2!